Russia Breaches Japanese Airspace 3 Times in a Day, Japan Fires Warning Flares for the First Time

Russia Breaches Japanese Airspace 3 Times in a Day, Japan Fires Warning Flares for the First Time

by UNITED24Media

  1. russia is begging for a Western country to retaliate so they have an excuse to surrender. russia will never admit that Ukraine alone can defeat them.

  2. Do like Turkey did …. just shoot it down. After warning them several times quickly. Typical fafo.

  3. Imagine japan on a war time economy with their tech focused on developing AI, drone and other weapons.

    Consider how Ukraine is punching above its weight class that orcs think NATO boots are on the ground.

    Now imagine If Japan (along with US) get pulled into this war, orcs will think it’s aliens that are on the ground.

  4. If Russia started war with Nato nations, help us all because they are outmatched. They can’t even take a airstrip 3 day special operation. Come on and smarten up. Bad. Leave Japan alone.

  5. Japan and a few other countries and nations have some territorial claims on the worlds shit stain, if ever there was a time to take back what is yours with very little Russia could do about it, now is the time. Finland, Georgia, China, Japan and Bashkortostan take your territory back.

  6. Any attack on Japan will be met with a response from the U.S. as per the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security that was signed in 1960. I doubt Pootin would be THAT stupid.

  7. Shoot it the fuck down Japan. For fucks sake we all need to quit giving Russia any slack, they are full of shit and will never contribute to the world in a positive way.

  8. Really stupid of russia to be provoking other fronts. Maybe they just want a better excuse for losing, so they don’t look quite so pathetic.

  9. This resonates with a situation that I witnessed in high school, when a bully was fucking with every kid that they were able to intimidate, but at some point one of the kids have had enough and threw a punch. Before the bully recovered from the initial shock every bystander jusy jumped in and started beating the shit out of him, just swarmed the guy and didn’t let him get back up until he was sobbing on the floor.

    Russia is the same type of bully and I really hope they face the same scenario soon.

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