Need advice/help with export and the transport license plates.

I want to buy a car and drive to Slovakia. However, from my research I learned that when the seller deregisters the car in the KFZ-Zulassungsstelle the German license plates will be taken away. For driving I need to get a special 30-day red export plates (Ausfuhrkennzeichen). I have a few questions about these.
1. Can they be ordered online or do I have to get them from KFZ-Zulassungstelle?
2. Is there any possible way I could legally drive the car home with its original German plates?

by matk_o

  1. 1. Zulassungsstelle

    2. theoretically yes, if the seller keeps it registered. No seller will do this. You can’t register it with white plates in Germany as you have no place of residence here.

    German Zulassung sucks. Even buying a car in the next town is a hassle. You have to go there, check the car, go home, buy it, pay, get the papers somehow, go to your local Zulassung and register it, go back to the car with your shiny new plates.

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