Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: God is Green, and Denying Climate Change is Anti-Christian / “It is a moral imperative to do as much as we can not to destroy the green world that God created for us. And we must act now, before it is too late.” – Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: God is Green, and Denying Climate Change is Anti-Christian / “It is a moral imperative to do as much as we can not to destroy the green world that God created for us. And we must act now, before it is too late.”
– Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: God is green, and denying climate change is anti-Christian

by Keith_McNeill65

1 comment
  1. Archbishop should directly address the Genesis verse that seems to permit humans to do whatever we want. That is, we get “…dominion over… all the earth, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon (it).” That verse inspires (and is used to justify) some of the most strident Christian advocacy of climate-destroying practices. The Church’s spokespeople should tell the huckster Biblical literalists very explicitly that they can’t use that anymore.

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