Iran’s president: We have never approved of Russian aggression against Ukrainian territory

Iran’s president: We have never approved of Russian aggression against Ukrainian territory

by LIGA_net

  1. >He also reiterated that Iran has not supplied ballistic missiles to Russia during his presidency.

    No, you just supplied what is now one of the deadliest drones of the war (if not the world). So, it’s OK, right?

    “Ain’t BMs” so we’re good, huh?

    Frak off.

  2. Not approving it doesn’t make you any less complicit in the murder of thousands of Ukrainians. Hopefully Iran will be falling shortly after Putin.

  3. This is a serious question, and I’m hoping for a serious good-faither answer. I’ve read a bit on Persian culture and history, and a recurring ‘trait’ of persian culture is said to be valuing truth highly. And that it is a GRAVE sin to lie, period. Maybe that’s just a naive thing to put any stock in, but it doesn’t come only from a common-sense “it’s not good to lie” childish concept.,is%20to%20tell%20a%20lie.

    And yet – there is also a well documented Persian tendency called “taarof”, where the art of hiding what you actually mean is part of the landscape.


    Anyways – everyone lies. A lot – but why bother with such a preposterous gaggle of lies that nobody, not you, your own population, your victims or indeed any serious minded person thinks? Why bother with such ludicrous denials?

    Is this meant to be some slimy wordplay, that while conceptually they would say “we have never explicitly approved russian aggression against ukraine” while at the same time refusing to connect the dots of exporting thousands of suicide drones, artillery, ammo, economic assistance etc as part of enabling russian aggression?

    Why bother? We know why the Russians do it – they have always done completely absurd propaganda to make their population passive and cynical about what truth and reality even ARE, much less whether they have any value.

  4. Once Ukraine is done with Russia, Iran is on the top of their list and believe me that there are many angry Ukrainian people that lost loved ones to the drones Iran supplied. Ukrainian SOF and Mossad coop is not going to be a nice result for those terrorists.

  5. A page right out of the Kremlin play book. Show confusion, discord, chaos. Post truth comms in action

  6. >On September 16, Pezeshkian stated that his government had not provided any weapons to Russia since he took office in August.

    That, I completely beleive if he’s only been in office for a month.

    >”We are willing to sit down with the Europeans and the Americans to have a dialogue and negotiations. We have never approved of Russian aggression against Ukrainian territory,” Pezeshkian said.

    >He also reiterated that Iran has not supplied ballistic missiles to Russia during his presidency.

    Which sounds like an invitation to talk. Perhaps he’d be willing to sell missiles, shells, drones and blueprints for them to a certain country at war with a larger neighbour with no inconvenient questions asked about where they might end up being used?

    I’m sure that if they did then we might be able to reconsider some sanctions that’d make his government more popular internally for as long as he’s in office?

  7. “We supplied no weapons”

    Then where the fuck are all the Shahed drones coming from? Timbuktu?

  8. Iran knows it’s drones and missiles are used to kill civilians. Yet they persist. Hope they get their just desserts sometime soon.

  9. Iran thinks Russia is going to lose too.

    What a shame they helped Russia kill a lot of Ukrainians before they reached this conclusion.

  10. Remember the statement from Ukraine weeks ago that if even one of the recently sent Iranian ballistic missiles kill one ukranian civilian, military targets in iran are going to be considered as legitimate targets by Ukraine?

    I’m sure GUR had some conversations behind the scenes with Iran.

    GUR and Mossad on your ass is never going to end well for Iran.

  11. Probably something lost in the translation. Probably meant something like, we don’t just approve of the aggression, we help fund it!

  12. Fuck Iran for the reasons we all know, but… take this as a signal that support could be waning and Iran may be up to make a deal. Everyone knows Russia is weak right now. If Iran is willing to close off supply, what does it get in return?

  13. Except we send missiles to enable Russia’s aggression against Ukrainian territory to continue 🤷‍♂️

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