Putin Is Doing Something Almost Nobody Is Noticing

Putin Is Doing Something Almost Nobody Is Noticing


by Majano57

  1. Everybody who has a serious thought about Russia sees it. Everyone understands that they are operating as a kleptocratic petromafia slave state terrorist organization. People see it, people get it.

    And what’s to be done? In the big picture, the majority of people, including those in governments, have decided the plan is as follows: **Wait Until He Dies.**

    Then, observe the power struggle and manage the Russian empire’s collapse.

    That’s not a moral defense of that strategy. This is NO attempt to say that this is a great plan. But it IS what they’re doing. The boiled frog/salami slice management strategy to do a little bit, slowly, bite by bite, slice by slice, to contain how ludicrous their response could be to each incremental step, and to contain a sudden shock to Russia from outside.

    Doubt it? Follow the path of capabilities the west have given to Ukraine. First – basic humanitarian aid. Then anti-tank missiles. Then drones. Then infantry fighting vehicles. Then Artillery. Then HIMARS. Then large-scale Ammo supply agreements. Then Storm Shadow/Scalp Missiles. Then Main Battle Tanks. Then F-16’s and Mirage fighters. Is Russia going to flip the game table over and start World War 3 because of any one of these individual small escalations? No. In the meantime – the Russians destroy themselves without losing NATO troops. Ukraine bleeds for all of us.

    So – what’s next up? Permission to strike Russian territory, then Active air defense against Russian missiles, then a no-fly zone, then direct NATO intervention, which will instantly end the war after a short demonstration of how badly they will be crushed. There is always one more incremental step held in reserve to come next until Russia realizes this is a lost war and is willing to change their tactics publicly. Every step is a short incremental step, every 3-6 months, to prove to Russia that we are serious about permanent support, and to manage training and logistics trains for every new capability that comes online. You can’t play all your cards at once. That’s what the idiot Russians did, and they’re sitting there with charred faces, taking volunteers from Africa and weapons from North Korea. They have no escalation steps. It’s only low-tech death and destruction. Period.

    The hope is that factions inside Russia will be the undisputed ‘final-straw’ reason that the regime collapses. Then you try and contain the inevitable chaos that follows.

    TL:DR People are well aware that he is the head an Evil Mafia that is killing any opposition, anywhere in the world. But they have already decided they’re not going to do anything more than they already are.

  2. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/opinion/russia-putin-kremlin.html?unlocked_article_code=1.M04.DBHu.ymQE061TDAvR) reduced by 81%. (I’m a bot)
    > My sources range from people who themselves survived abductions and surveillance to the leaders of Russian diasporas around the world – and the few human rights activists helping them.

    > A toy shop owner, an industrial climber, a punk rocker: These are some of the people caught in the Kremlin dragnet, all over the world.

    > Another Russian expatriate – whose elderly parents are still alive and very sick – chose to believe it when his parents' nurse of many years told him, over the phone, of a fire in their apartment.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fnvfp4/putin_is_doing_something_almost_nobody_is_noticing/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694231 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Russia**^#2 **people**^#3 **years**^#4 **back**^#5

  3. It’s time for someone in power to have a discussion with Stalin’s incompetent imitator, to let him know if this happens again his palaces will start getting smithereened.

  4. Here is my take (hobby DnD game master)

    * Putin died sometime ago
    * The following power vacuum and the question who will become the God Emperor leads to his subordinates pretending Putin is still alive with archive material and AI-generated fillers.
    * Since nobody knows why Putin did what he did the subordinates (which are not the smartest or best; since the smartest and best where a thread to Putin and got windows’d) continue the “not war”.
    * The person which managed to get on top to claim the golden throne will be killed after a week.
    * The great Ally North Korea will betray Russia after Kim-Jong-Uns son, Bob, came out as a progressive democratic trans godess with the goal to explain a hole brainwashed country that every god emperor before was just a greedy asshole which feasted on peoples poverty.
    * China invades the Chinese territories they lost in the past to Russia since the country is distracted with inner fights
    * Finnland and Poland, fed up by past Russian crimes, decide to invade Russian Borderlands and scorch everything in a 100km line in Order to protect themselves for the next Russian dictator

  5. This is an example of why Ukraine has to win this war, regain all their territory and demoralize russia. If they don’t, and they are forced to make concessions, russia will become even more beligerant and dangerous.

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