Woman from 36-week abortion YouTube video to face criminal charges

Woman from 36-week abortion YouTube video to face criminal charges


Posted by Phnrcm

  1. weird situation all around. According to Google, abortion was de-criminalized in South Korea in 2021, and there is no time limit (ie 20 weeks, 25 weeks etc) to get one.

    Sounds like this is one case which will spur the courts or legistlators to enact a gestational time limit on abortions.

  2. Since the article doesn’t say WHY she aborted the pregnancy, I located a few previous articles. The only thing I could find about motive was this:

    >In the video, posted on June 27, the woman claimed she had undergone an abortion at 36 weeks of pregnancy after discovering her pregnancy during a visit to a clinic for weight gain.


    It doesn’t say how far along she was when she discovered the pregnancy, much less whether there were any complications.

    It seems the investigators don’t even know whether the pregnancy was viable or not, since the linked article said they are still investigating whether the fetus was a stillborn.

    >“We need to conduct a professional medical examination to determine how many weeks along the fetus was, whether it was an abortion, murder or stillbirth,” the police official explained.

    I am not familiar with the South Korean legal system, but to me it seems important to determine whether it was a stillbirth or not before charging people with murder…

    The hospital she got it at seems shady, they are getting in legal trouble for not having cameras in the operating room. I wonder if they knew she was live streaming the procedure?

    The whole thing is very confusing.

  3. Babies at 36 weeks of development have as near as makes no difference a 100% survival rate at that point. While I’m firmly pro-choice, referring to a 36 week old pregnancy as a “fetus” is fucken ridiculous and anyone arguing otherwise doesn’t help the pro-choice argument. The argument doesn’t pass a simple logic test so can only make the pro-choice side look stupid and out of touch with reality. That was a baby. Not a fetus, a baby. As long as it was otherwise viable that has to be considered murder morally even if the law doesn’t agree.

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