With Zelensky In USA, Putin Set To Retake All Of Kursk? Big Russia Bombshell: ‘Ukraine Lost 50% Of…’

With Zelensky In USA, Putin Set To Retake All Of Kursk? Big Russia Bombshell: ‘Ukraine Lost 50% Of…’

Russian Commander, Maj. Gen. Apti Alaudinov, has claimed that Ukraine has lost over 50% of the military equipment deployed during its incursion into the Kursk region. According to the Russian Commander, Ukraine’s “blitzkrieg” strategy has been halted, leading to significant equipment losses. Over half of the military assets involved have reportedly been destroyed. Watch for more.


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  1. How do we allow for a rodent to enter our country and steal mire money out of our pockets!! So let's sit back and watch all the rodents get together so we can vote them out! We citizens don't want to spend more of our hard earned money to go to this b!@ch any more!!

  2. OH PULEEZE … all of this Russian propaganda by way of "the Hindustan Times" is pathetic, and just reminds me of Comical Ali — the guy spewing death threats and bs for Saddam…. as Abrams tanks and Bradleys entered Bagdad.

    All of this crapola about how well Russia is doing in Kursk? Shut up until the Ukrainians are not only out of Kursk, but Russia has actually accomplished something in Ukraine beyond bombing civilians. By any objective standard Russia has been losing the war since US supplies restarted, and even before that Russia was expending enormous numbers of lives and equipment to push the salient 20 km toward Pokrovsk … that now it is clear they cannot take. In the net, Russia has lost ground this combat season. Putin "ordered" that Kursk be clear of Ukrainians by Oct. 1. That's just a week away … not happening. And that date isn't entirely arbitrary — winter is coming. The obvious question now is whether and how much of Kursk will the Ukrainians try to hold through the winter?

    And as far as Kursk is concerned, nothing says the Ukrainians should hold it. The question for them is what is the best use of the forces? In particular consider the option leaving and then raiding across the border somewhere else, if Russia leaves somewhere else poorly defended. The point of seizing part of Kursk was to force Russia to actually use forces to defend its borders, so those forces can't fight in Ukraine. It worked, Putin has been forced to pull something like 60,000 troops into the effort in Kursk, with all of the units prepared to do heavy fighting coming from Ukraine.

    Russia is not just losing the war now, it's looking at the end of being a world power. Together with foreign embargoes and sanctions, Ukraine is destroying Russia's power and economy, by blowing up ammunition dumps, refineries, oil transport, etc. Russian oil fields are being idled; most of that production will never be restarted. All the soviet-era military stocks will be gone in another year. No nation will buy higher-tech Russian-made arms from here on; it's proven garbage against NATO standard stuff.

    Is this last issue why we see stuff like this in the Indian press? India has been Russia's best military customer. Joke's on you, and everybody is laughing.

  3. The vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Forecasting, Doctor of Military Sciences (this is his official title) Konstantin Sivkov, who likes to cite delusions in several Slovak media disseminating Russian propaganda (for example, here, but also here and also here), has recently pointed out one of the possible effective ways in which Russia could attack the United States of America with little catastrophic consequences for the United States.

    Vele is considering firing nuclear weapons into supervolcanic territory in Yellowstone National Park.

    "Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano can erupt at any time, there are signs of increasing volcanic activity in the area. Therefore, it is enough to initiate a relatively small atom explosion at a given place. But its consequences would be catastrophic for the United States – they would simply disappear," Sivkov told the Russian periodical VPK News.

  4. Winter is coming and it will be harder to hide the heat signature. How does Ukraine think. The Russians will see anyone who turns on the smallest source of heat. The honeymoon is almost over for Ukraine

  5. This is funny, the American nazi fascist government are entertaining their comedian for the loss in Kursk and the rest of eastern Ukraine 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Zelensky and his PM are planted by the West and has no love for the Ukranians. They will do what is good for themselves and the west without caring for the Ukrainians. Probably he is there for more financial aids to be pocketed and then run away to an unknown country for good.

  7. American s are nt paying anything they re trading weapon s for land grabs and minerals , like normal ,be more like Zelensky asking Biden has my multi million dollar check been cashed in yet , i sold Ukraine to ya.

  8. Video released yesterday shows Ukrainian forces breaking through tank obstacles and a mine field at another Kursk border area. August 10th saw 3 Ukrainian Brigades enter and they are still there despite all the nonsense of 11,000+ dead, etc. So, there is no evidence of Kursk being retaken any time soon.

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