EU plant exporters turning backs on UK over ‘painful’ border checks, says trade group

EU plant exporters turning backs on UK over ‘painful’ border checks, says trade group

Posted by Halunner-0815

  1. “Exporters of plants and flowers from mainland Europe are turning their backs on supplying Britain as “painful” new Brexit border checks are putting some trading relationships at “breaking point”, garden centres and nurseries have warned.

    The Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), which represents garden retailers and growers, said long-held links between British nurseries and EU suppliers were now being put under strain because of the delays and costs associated with the new border processes.

    The comments were included in a letter to Lady Hayman, the borders, biosecurity and plant health minister, sent by the HTA on Friday, in which it said that some specialist transporters were now withdrawing from the UK market completely.”

  2. Brexit is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

    About a decade after the end of the Bush administration it was hard to find any Republicans that admitted to voting for him. I wonder if in a few more years you will see the same behavior from Brexit voters.

  3. So uh.. did we get any of them “Brexit opportunities”, but in a positive sense, just yet?

  4. Used to working a garden center and get plants from Holland

    They would come in potted ready to sell some units cost 50p , would put on a sticker for £15

    You will notice most uk garden centers are glasshouses as they used to grow stuff , now they don’t bother as inports are cheaper and they would rather full them with concert animals and tea rooms as there no money to be made in growing flowers 😉

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