Posting memes untill Greece paid back their debt day 2

Posting memes untill Greece paid back their debt day 2

by DebtCollector2000

  1. Inb4 “its all Schäubles fault, our shitty situation is totally not caused by decades of governmental overspending and rampant tax evasion”

  2. A big thing in ancient greece was debt slavery.
    Recently, Greece introduced a mandatory six day work week.
    It seems like they are taking action and returning to the peak of their civilization.

  3. The real question is, why is Luxembourg’s flag up there among the others complaining and coping? LOL

    Don’t they get a bazillion euros for whatever and for groundkeeping the EU Court of Justice?

  4. Fake news. Greece is one of the few that actually had balls to do anything about deficit. Others like Finland are still taking massive debt and complain a lot if our entitled benefits are taken away.

    In fact, Greece achieved a SURPLUS 4 years straight, 2016 – 2019. Then COVID hit the tourism based economy hard. But they were able to recover to negative 1.6% recently.

    Meanwhile in Finland, our budget was negative last 15 years! It’s now at negative 2.7%, so we are basically poorer than the Greeks.

  5. In my observations in (more or less touristic areas of) Greece over many years, Greeks actually aren’t lazy per se. Public sector workers may be an exception, I wouldn’t know because I don’t see them at work, but ordinary folks in the private sector are usually hard-working. Even just the waiters who do 7-day weeks during the long tourist season. Not to mention people who run an accommodation in tourist season, harvest olives afterwards, maintain and renovate their apartments in winter and then the new cycle begins. They may cheat on taxes and whatnot, but I’ve known many Greeks who work harder than I ever have.

  6. Typical Hans that forgets what the US did to cancel your post war debts after you made a mess in Europe.

    Germxit when? Oh right, the Nazis are coming back, so I guess it’ll be soon. Maybe by then we could lure back the UK, and the EU will be fixed again 🥲😌

  7. Missing scammed nations: UK, Russia, Bavaria. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me thrice, let’s try this again. The Bavarian/King Ludwig’s loan to Greece alone has theoretically accumulated so much interest that Germany could easily agree to any legally absurd demands on reparations etc.

  8. You meant the totally made-up rules? 60% total debt was the EU average back them. 3% new debt was a number the French(!) came up with because “it was late”.

    The EU debt protection stuff is such bullcrap.

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