I recently moved in to a new place (in Bayern) and have sighted this roach a couple of times. Should I be worried about an infestation. I checked under the sink etc for more but couldn’t find anything. Is this the infamous German roach or some harmless visitor from outside? Please help!!

I recently moved in to a new place (in Bayern) and have sighted this roach a couple of times. Should I be worried about an infestation. I checked under the sink etc for more but couldn’t find anything. Is this the infamous German roach or some harmless visitor from outside? Please help!!

by Intelligent-Oil-3113

  1. It might be a Bernsteinschabe. They are harmless, no pests and only get lost in houses because they are drawn to the light.
    Does it flee if you switch on the light? If not it’s probably just a Bernsteinschabe.
    As far as I know Deutsche Schaben (the type of harmful cockroach you can find in Germany) flees the light. How does it behave when you switch the light on? Does it run and hide or is it unbothered? If it doesn’t care it’s probably just a lost Bernsteinschabe. Bring it outside and keep your windows closed or your lights switched off at night so that it doesn’t come back.

  2. Wald-/ Bernsteinschabe (Forest/ Amber roach). these live outside the homes and are not a pest. Do I hate roaches? yes. Are these a pest? no. the pests have a black stripe behind their head.

    r/naturfreunde has have multiple posts about them through the year

  3. Get some glue traps at Rossmann or DM to find out a) how many bugs are running around and b) what species it actually is.

    This information is needed to come up with a proper plan (if one is needed).

  4. This looks more like an [American.](https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/cockroaches/american-cockroaches/)

    [Germans](https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/cockroaches/german-cockroaches/) are small, cluster together and release foul-smelling “poo” when agitated.

    Americans operate in smaller groups.

    The rule of thumb is 10 individuals for every one seen. So 5 is considered a small infestation. I would still put down traps because they breed like roaches.

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