Project 2025 mastermind allegedly told colleagues he killed a dog with a shovel

Project 2025 mastermind allegedly told colleagues he killed a dog with a shovel

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. What is with these weirdos and their fixation on animal cruelty, you had rfk do that thing with the bear in central park, and the thing with whale head and chainsaw, my god

  2. It always ends up that people like this do stuff like that.

    He and Kristi Noem should date or at least sing maybe a country pop duet about their love of dog murder.

  3. God who the hell could mention it so callously. My dad hunted all his life and it still tore him up to shoot a couple dogs that were attacking our horses. The only time I considered it was when our dog was at deaths door with cancer and needed to be put down but we couldn’t get a vet on the phone and that dog was the closest thing I ever had to a son. Even in those cases it’s one bullet and over. What psycho could do it with a shovel.

  4. Why do Republicans hate America and dogs so much? I don’t associate with people who hate dogs. They give me bad vibes. Like they might support and vote for a man who raped children with Epstein.

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