Petition – Make Accredited Training Mandatory for Carers of Vulnerable Adults


According to the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, in a census conducted in 2021, almost 25% of the population in NI are living with additional needs. As it currently stands, there is no mandatory training for employed carers in Northern Ireland. With over 52,000 people living in northern Ireland with complex disabilities, the need for mandatory training and compassionate care is of the utmost importance for parents and the individual receiving the care.

Currently the carers for our sons and daughters are not provided with the appropriate training or salary to reflect their important work. This situation is not only unfair to our loved ones but also to the carers who are expected to work without proper preparation.

Help us prioritise accredited training for these carers, for the betterment of all parties involved, and overall, for society. Please, sign this petition and show your support for mandatory training of carers.

Just putting this here if anyone would be willing to sign and support this petition.

I think it's an important thing for the carers and the people needing the care that everyone is getting the preparation they need to give the right level of care, and it only takes a few minutes to sign.

If this isn't the right place for this post then feel free to take it down, but thanks for reading folks.

by UngaBungaBingo

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