Chinesischer Top-Ökonom verschwindet nach Kritik an Xi Jinping

Chinesischer Top-Ökonom verschwindet nach Kritik an Xi Jinping

  1. **From The Telegraph:**

    A leading economist in China has vanished from public view after allegedly criticising [Xi Jinping’s handling of the country’s economy]( on a mobile messaging app.

    Questions over Zhu Hengpeng’s whereabouts have arisen after he was detained by officials in spring and stripped of his role as deputy director at a prominent Chinese think tank.

    This came after he allegedly scrutinised the Chinese president’s judgment in a private group chat on WeChat, according to the Wall Street Journal, which led to him being investigated.

    He has not been seen in public since April, with his disappearance coinciding with Xi’s attempt to crackdown on dissent. 

    It also comes as China, the world’s second largest economy, [battles a protracted slowdown]( caused by turmoil across the country’s property sector.

    This has led to economists raising fears over China’s debt levels and the government’s ability to hit its 5pc growth target.

    President Xi’s efforts to boost the economy have been criticised by some as “insufficient”.

    His latest attempt to stimulate growth came on Tuesday as the government announced [a fresh stimulus package]( alongside a series of rate cuts from the People’s Bank of China. 

    This included freeing up banks to hold less cash in reserve. 

    However, some analysts said it was “hardly a bazooka stimulus” and stressed that more fiscal support is needed.

    Before being stripped of his role, Mr Zhu was the deputy director at the Institute of Economics at the state-run Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, which is responsible for advising the ruling Communist Party on policy. 

    He worked at the organisation for more than two decades, focusing on public hospital reforms and medical security issues. 

    He was also listed as an independent director at state-owned pharmaceutical firm China Meheco Group for two years until 2015.

    His last known public appearance was in late April, speaking at an industry conference focusing on the senior living care system. 

    More here: [](

  2. Waiting for the Chinese brigade to justify it, say it was a good thing somehow or that the news has it all wrong and claim you are racist if you disagree.

  3. Are there still people praising the Chinese system?

    Make no mistake, if you say the wrong thing in the wrong place, you disappear, and no one cares. This isn’t some Panda buffet China Restaurant with a few strict rules; it’s an authoritarian kleptocratic dictatorship that is actively working to undermine democracies across the globe.

  4. Consider what Xi sees looking at America: A nation being torn in half by bullshit like FOX news, NewsMax, nonsense posted on social media, what Musk permits (and deletes) on X.

    JD Vance telling us the price of eggs….. and claiming immigrants are eating cats and dogs. (But not his wife!)

    If you were a BENEVOLENT dictator of America (not Trump), tell me, would you not shut down FOX and X, perhaps even Facebook?

    I’m sure that’s how Xi views himself. Preventing HIS nation from existential threats like those posed by MAGA under the guise of “Free Speech.” He would imprison the leaders of MAGA.

    Of course he’s occasionally gonna go overboard when criticized, all dictators do. The alternative is risking losing power.

    Xi probably wouldn’t lose any power over mild economic policy criticism, but I’m sure his lieutenants bring every possible “threat” to his attention, however miniscule, hoping for favor.

  5. This just leads to yes men and another “great leap ~~forward~~ backward” as nobody will have the balls to say when something is wrong.

  6. the problem of being a dictator, even if you are the greatest genius in the country. you would lose touch with reality as the year goes on living in a bubble of yes man.

  7. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 91%. (I’m a bot)
    > A leading economist in China has vanished from public view after allegedly criticising Xi Jinping's handling of the country's economy on a mobile messaging app.

    > Lynn Song, ING's chief economist for Greater China, said without extra government spending, he will not upgrade his forecasts for GDP growth.

    > This gloom is a critical part of China's weakness, according to Duncan Wrigley, chief China economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, as it encourages families to save instead of spend.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694253 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **China**^#1 **economy**^#2 **economist**^#3 **spend**^#4 **more**^#5

  8. He has been a disaster. China was so amazingly positioned. Then Xi went “mandate from heaven” gibberish and decided to become a police state and regional bully. And then throw trillions at real estate. Dumb. Will lose China an entire decade.

  9. If China ever gets out of the dictator’s trap they might be something to worry about. But, silencing dissent always leads to bad outcomes for a government. I’m all for the US maintaining dominance, so keep on driving towards that cliff, China.

  10. You simply don’t criticize Xi Jinping, the economist most have thought he could waiver that storm unharmed…

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