So, because I am an adult (who forgot to sort anything proper for lunch for work today), I’m eating several Dairylea Dunkers. Woo, go adulting. But, the crispy tubes in these are incredible… is there an equivalent that I can just buy? And like, buy a tub of Diarylea and go ham on them

So, because I am an adult (who forgot to sort anything proper for lunch for work today), I’m eating several Dairylea Dunkers. Woo, go adulting. But, the crispy tubes in these are incredible… is there an equivalent that I can just buy? And like, buy a tub of Diarylea and go ham on them

by posh-u

  1. I’ve been wondering that myself. What I will say though is never buy the Aldi version of the dunkers as the tubes are absolutely awful.

  2. quite similar to chipsticks. they are made out of maize or something but the dunker things are delicious. sort of like a herb and onion flavor. cant do the dairelea anymore cos im lactose intolerant but back in the day i would blast these too aye

  3. Jumbo tubes are peak fking dunkers. I had a hell of a time with breadsticks and a tub of dairylea.. but I couldn’t find ANYTHING like jumbo bois 😭

  4. In another thread asking this same thing, Seabrook Rings Sour Cream & Onion Flavour Corn Snacks was suggested as being very close in flavour/texture, but obviously those aren’t “dunkable sticks”

    I actually found several threads asking this, so either Diarylea has a viral marketing team or someone is missing a trick not selling the sticks separately.

  5. Literally had this same discussion with my partner the other day, they’d make a killing if they introduced bigger versions that you could just dip into the normal Dairylea cream cheese tube. I’m really glad others are asking the important questions

  6. I still get these and they take me right back to the 90s having em at school. They are practically unchanged.

  7. Home bargains do a sour cream and chive lentil crisp that taste similar, but obviously it’s not the same. Dairylea could make loads of money just selling those tubes, I don’t know why they don’t.

  8. Mondelez know what they’re doing with these crack tubes, they may well sell them in large packets but they risk hordes of psychopaths raiding fridges in their streets for errant dairylea triangles.

  9. my husband accidentally bought the breadstick version of these this weekend, cementing his place at the top of my 4 yr old’s shit list – who feels much the same way about the tubes as you do.

  10. If I really wanted to know I’d call/email the information on the back and ask for the name of their supplier, then call them and ask if they sell just the sticks to any other companies. If not, ask if they’ll sell you a box. The expiry date may be years away and they’d probably freeze just fine.

  11. Ice wondered this since I was a kid

    I was never really the biggest fan of that runny cheese but those tubes were good!

    You can buy boxes of bread sticks, and boxes of Ritz (granted, both probably existed before dunkers) so why not the tubes too? Someone has really shat the bed not making that a reality all these years

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