A Russian soldier was handcuffed and beaten in a hospital for asking for treatment. The soldier is unable to move due to his wounds. When he insistently asked for medical help, he was tied up, taken to a basement, and severely beaten.

A Russian soldier was handcuffed and beaten in a hospital for asking for treatment.

The soldier is unable to move due to his wounds. When he insistently asked for medical help, he was tied up, taken to a basement, and severely beaten.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Was he wearing a thong?

    Just kidding 😂. Am I supposed to feel sorry for this scum bag? Fuc*k em.

    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇨🇦

  2. Not sure how anyone is pro Russian, not even Russians themselves. Feels like a very broken society.

  3. This is how Russia treats its soldiers.
    They are not seen as individuals with a free will, they are treated as mindless zombies to be sent into brainless assaults at the whim of an uninterested leadership.

    If/when they independent or critical behavior it is seen as an invitation to aggression and suppression.

    Your commander was ordered an senseless assault with 100 men today, he decided you volunteered, he is going to beat you to make you go and die.
    And in two days he needs to ‘organize’ another 100
    Men assault or he risks him or his relatives being sent as well.

  4. Comrade, these are all sacrifices you must be prepared to make for the glory of the motherland ! Complaints only create division, you must all stand together now, wounds or not.

  5. I’ve read some Dostoievsky books and the first thing that I noticed is that even back then, the ruzzian society was depressing, opressed, dreadful etc. It’s in their DNA to be like this. They don’t even comprehend the fact that you can be better as a person. They just accept their reality as if it’s the only one poseible to exist

  6. It’s like their Afghan campaign all again.
    First those who served there were considered heros but as I dragged on, the excitement faded and people grew tired of those who returned. They were called ‘afghani’ and more and more isolated from society. Finally, many of them withdrew themselves from society and only sticked to those who were there as well, trusting Noone else.
    You can read it in “Boys in zinc”, which is eye opining with the parallels on their society today.

  7. EXCELLENT. Every orc should be subjected to this russian patient admittance process.

    Just to make sure they are really really injured

    I would suggest 2 broken arms and a leg, 2 preferably. I could go on with a long list but no need as russians know how to torture

  8. Take these sticks and get back out there, coward! You have more meat to shed for Tsar Vladimir Vladimirovich, and you *will* comply. For footwraps and glory! 🇷🇺🤡

  9. The best part about this story for the sadistic and cruel hospital workers is that they’ve got another helpless victim. The best part about this story for this particular orc is that he’s not part of a Great Patriotic Orc Meat Wave. The best part about this story for the civilized world is that there’s one less orc committing war crimes in Ukraine.

    Looks like everyone is winning.

  10. Only a sick society supports and enables this behavior. To the tsar, “kindness” is for nazis.

  11. Hope he saves enough battery in his phone for round 2 when they extort him for money in order to stay for proper treatment. Pay up or get shipped back regardless of injury. Especially now that hes on their naughty list.

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