I visualized Viewership vs. Cost Efficiency for Star Wars shows on Disney+ [OC]

I visualized Viewership vs. Cost Efficiency for Star Wars shows on Disney+ [OC]

Posted by mithrilbits

  1. Didn’t realize Andor’s viewership was so low. I admit that when we were waiting on shows like Kenobi, Ahsoka, and Andor, the one that sounded least interesting was Andor. But I’m surprised that the news of Andor being incredibly good didn’t spread and boost the viewership numbers.

    Will be interesting to see how Andor S2 stacks up here.

  2. Chart is easy on the eyes. But there’s way too much going on. And why look at cost efficiency? Is that the metric Disney uses to evaluate these shows

  3. Andor is criminally underrated. Didn’t realize how big of a budget it had, so is it technically overrated?

  4. Guys, Everyone go watch Andor wtf. Its better than all of the other shows combined hands down. And I think Mandalorian is pretty great, Andor is just that much better.

    This graph causes me physical pain to see that spike of cost on the inarguably best show on that list.

  5. Is this why we haven’t gotten any more Andor? That’s a pity, that show was terrific and really captured what makes Star Wars compelling.

  6. What’s weird to me is how so few people watch Boba Fett compared to Mandalorian since it’s strongly overlapping. I also would like to know what are the revenue from each show, because that’s a more important comparison if we compare cost.

    P.S I didn’t watch Andor and according to the comment sections it’s blasphemy

  7. As this is a data vis sub…

    I really dislike line charts for discrete data points.

    There is no meaning to the point half way between Mando and boba fett, so joining them with a line makes no sense.

  8. There just had to be massive fraud or something with acolyte. I don’t understand how they could spend so much money on such little show.

    A solid 30 minutes of that runtime were the same scenes from a different angle too.

  9. Andor was my favorite by far. I wish I could see it for the first time again.


    You get an incredible heist movie and prison break movie unexpectedly in a show I was already excited for.

  10. I have a very difficult time reading this chart, as there are 2 values on the Y axis but 0 values on the X axis, so I’m not sure what this is telling me.

    For example, did the Mandalorian (S2) have 1.5K viewers per episode, 1.05B or 428k?

    I’d imagine it is 428k, but I need to look at 3 different values to determine that.

  11. Ahsoka is a great show but I can understand the lower viewership. You have to watch Rebels and probably Clone Wars as well in order to fully understand it. Thrawn, space whales, witches?

  12. Still think they fumbled hard on Mandalorian by forcing you to watch Book of Boba Fett before season 3. They don’t have the viewership here, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there was a steep drop-off based off the Book of Boba Fett’s numbers.

  13. I believe this is a bit misleading as its viewership per episode, Andor had 12 episodes which is double that of some of the shows listed.

  14. Where is this data from? A billion people watched each episode of The Mandalorian? Hundreds of millions of people watched each episode of The Acolyte and Ahsoka?

    Edit: For context, according to Wikipedia D+ has about 150 million subscribers. I’m not saying it’s impossible that every single D+ subscriber watched all of these shows with a handful of other people (families, shared accounts, watch parties), but if half a billion people had watched The Acolyte worldwide, that would make it one of the most popular things to have ever existed.

  15. I think Andor was slept on because after Boba and Obi-wan people lost interest in the “spinoffs”. Only Mando was seen as Must Watch.

    Of course…season 3 may have changed that. But season 1 & 2? They were a perfect beginning and end to Mando’s journey

    Chef’s kiss

  16. This data annoys the shit out of me haha its organized in the least pleasing fashion possible! why isn’t it organized by cost or viewership?

    Also its fucking criminal that andor viewership was half that of the trashfire of obi wan. (though i guess i do know that since they came out at similar times people watched the other shows first with brand name recognition were disappointed and didn’t bother taking the risk again.)

  17. Andor is maybe one of the best series ever produced and certainly the best thing to come out of star wars ever. The low viewership is positively mind blowing.

  18. would this not be better plotted as cost/viewer? The numbers would be more abstract but the visualisation would show much more clearly the return on investment (in terms of viewership)

  19. This table is somewhat useless because the money is irrelevant and based on not real dollars.

    Disney is a huge entity. The dollars allocated for a production are not the total dollars that flowed out of Disney; rather, they representing accounting charges that are accrued against a title. You’ll never be able to map those back to actual dollar spent. It’s just two different concepts – accounting and cash management.

    It is entirely possible that these numbers are 2X, 3X or more inflated from what the dollars actually spent are for each production.

  20. Nor trying to brag, but notice the mandolorian was featured in grossed almost a billion dollars?!
    It was great getting killed by Boba fett in season 2 👈

  21. Can you explain where the “Average Viewers per Episode” counts come from? I don’t understand how any show can average a billion viewers per episode when Disney+ has less than 150 million subscribers.

    * Are you multiplying the average viewers per episode times by the number of episodes (in which case a better axis title would be “Total Episode Views”)?
    * Are you multiplying that by the average runtime (that would be “Total Minutes Watched”)?
    * Did you accidentally multiply by an extra thousand?

    If you didn’t do anything like that, I simply don’t see how a number like 1.05 billion is possible.

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