Get yourself a dashcam.

I said a day or two ago in another thread that you should get yourself a dashcam and here’s a perfect example of why. We share the road with some absolute halfwit cunts.

by PerpetualBigAC

  1. Standard Golf driver experience. Something in their brain gets all fuzzy if they have a vehicle ahead of them.

  2. Could quite easily have been a pedestrian or another car on the hard shoulder, extremely reckless.

  3. Fuck me, was so focused on the idiot van driver I didn’t even clock the idiot lining up for the undertake

  4. Mad from both other drivers

    Out of interest why did you partially swerve in your the hard shoulder as the VW was going for the undertake?

  5. Please tell me you sent the reg and videos to the police. They deserve a court date to sicken their pish

  6. Some fucking nutters on the road at the moment.

    I’ve went from an average of one “What the fuck” moment when driving once every one or two days, to about 3 each way on the m2 in and out of town.

    Hear this dickheads, you’re gonna kill someone and maybe yourself too. Just to get 3 cars in front and into work 5 mins earlier.

    I’ve been driving in and out of town for over 20 years and you’d be surprised how many people have died on that small piece of motorway.

  7. Great way to kill yourself or someone else for the sake of arriving somewhere 3.4 seconds fast

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