World ‘Cannot Let Up’ on Ukraine, Biden Says at UN Meeting

World ‘Cannot Let Up’ on Ukraine, Biden Says at UN Meeting

by RinaRadiance

  1. Well Biden, you can start by letting Ukraine use the weapons they already have, however they want to use them. 

  2. This is gaslighting because clearly US already did, at least strategically, right from the beginning.

  3. Yet he won’t allow Ukraine the capabilities to strategically strike Russia in a way that could force them to end the war. The West must stop holding Ukraine back.

  4. Biden and his tough talk followed up by a horribly weak foreign policy. Go take a nap old man.

  5. Says man who had $6B authorized to help Ukraine, but hasn’t yet. Says the man who refuses to provide Ukraine with the amount and types of arms, even old discontinued arms, that Ukraine urgently needs to stop Russia’s criminal invasion. Says the man who won’t provide air support. Says the man who waited years after the invasion to give Ukraine ATACMS and who still refuses to allow those missiles to be used on critical targets in the invader’s country. Says the man who could order his own forces to eliminate the threat Russia poses to Ukraine in hours.

    While these dithering politicians attend banquets and make ineffectual speeches, wasting time and lives, you and I can help Ukraine stop Putin, now, by force, by donating to the only military actively resisting Putin’s criminal expansion. Please donate right now at [](

  6. Let Ukraine defend itself however it needs too! Give them the tools and they will win this fight.

  7. Sheesh,  c’mon man, what’s all this malarkey then?  Unleash the arms you’ve already given them for goodness sakes.  As they’ve clearly communicated with their saber rattling from day one, red lines are more of a gray area with Russians anyways.

  8. Give permission to use weapons strike inside Russia.

    If you don’t, you’re just saying, “let’s continue this war”. You’re not searching for victory, you’re just maintaining the status quo while Ukrainians suffer.

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