Delivery riders getting illegal e-bikes seized

Delivery riders getting illegal e-bikes seized

by Cyanopicacooki

  1. Just noticed this paragraph in the above article:-

    Among the forces with the largest year-on-year increases in e-bike seizures were Wiltshire Police (from 24 to 64), **Police Scotland (from 60 to 233)**, Derbyshire Police (from four to 23), Northumbria Police (from 18 to 58) and South Wales Police (from 66 to 137).

    That’s a huge proportion of the total seized given the size of Scotland – and as a cyclist in Edinburgh, I can easily believe it.

  2. It’s long overdue. The speed they travel at and the risks they take endangering other road users and pedestrians is ridiculous. Tbh I’m amazed we haven’t had a fatality considering very little of these guys wear protective head gear.

  3. Brilliant. Long overdue.

    Wouldn’t believe the stupidity of these cunts, seen one going along the M8 without a care in the world.

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