JD Vance ‘trying to out-Trump Trump’ with ‘offensive anti-Irish comments’

JD Vance ‘trying to out-Trump Trump’ with ‘offensive anti-Irish comments’


by teamworldunity

  1. the AIPAC handlers really have a problem with Irish people since they don’t bend over backwards to support the chosen people™

    everyone else knows what group is responsible of majority of the crime.

  2. >The clip, which has been circulating on X, showed Vance speaking in a Skype interview. He discussed early waves of immigration to the United States, pointing out the “rise in crime” he felt ensued as a result.

    >”You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish and German immigration,” Vance said. “That had its problems, its consequences.

    >”You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that before.”

    I don’t see anything egregious. We make movies about Italian and Irish mobs. Poor people stuffed together with poor job prospects results in the relying on illegal ways to make do. Plus racist protestants and the lot of persecution.

  3. Obviously feels they can win without Irish / Italian / German American votes. Good luck with that. 😂
    What’s next JD, Kick the Jews?

  4. That article is a dumpster fire of broken and irrelevant links. That normal for Irishstar?

  5. Nationwide, about 9.5% of Americans report being of Irish descent, making it the third-most prominent ancestry in the U.S., according to estimates by the American Community Survey.

  6. Lol what?
    He hates Irish people? Whyy?
    I mean I know he’s a moron and he hates us Ukrainians and licks putin’s ass but why would anyone hate on Irish people? I don’t get it

  7. So what is his argument? We had problems with the last immigrant waves but it just took time and attitudes to change and everything worked out? Isn’t he conservative?

  8. His base remains white Protestants with little to no education. This is perfectly on brand for him.

  9. All Americans are immigrants, other than the native ones. Every single American who is not a native American is from elsewhere in the world, be it Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East.

    The only American who has any right to criticise the destructive effects of imagination are those native Americans colonised into oblivion by white Americans, something so many Americans are in denial about.

    As far as I’m aware Irish immigration has been overwhelmingly positive to the United States, and has had a significant cultural impact on the US. The Irish are some of the loveliest people you will ever meet and as far as I’m aware have never had any destructive affect on anywhere they have ever settled. Just shows what nut jobs the gop has.

  10. The Irish have always been emigrants and hard working. Just look at all the Irish names across the US political class. They hold positions of power everywhere. Todays Irish youth travel the world as some of the best educated people working hard wherever their adventure takes them. Stand up and be proud Irish people carry yourselves with pride into the world.

  11. >“You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish and German immigration,” Vance said. “That had its problems, its consequences.

    JD Vance can go fuck a couch.

  12. “you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that before.”

    The real native Americans would like a word.

  13. What he says about early waves of non-anglo immigration to the US is true, but only because integration was gatekept by the anglo population already present in the country at the time they arrived. Of course they were pushed into crime at a time when anti-catholic discrimination was preventing them from finding honest work. There was no social safety net back then for them to fall back on. The connection he tries to make with modern immigrants from culturally disparate backgrounds is moronic, as they have the opportunities to find work and make a living for themselves and their family, but are pushed into or drawn to crime for totally different reasons.

  14. Irish person here, I’m delighted we annoy JD Vance.
    Ye better make sure and vote for Harris over there.
    I’m sick of hearing Trump news in Ireland….

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