Luigi from New Jersey

Luigi from New Jersey

by marcandero

  1. I have a friend whose whole identity was based on being Italian.

    He took a 23 and me test, and it said he was 100% polish, lol

    I love that guy. 

  2. Today I was listening to a radio advert funded by the Spanish government. It said that black people suffer from racism in Spain, we need to help them. I’m sitting there thinking: Is this how they spend my tax money? Telling me that someone suffers from racism. What nonsense. We have unemployment of about 50% for people under 30 in many cities in Spain, do they really think that poor people will be kind and tolerant? A poor person can’t be tolerant, a poor person will always be either a racist or a communist. It would be better to lower taxes than to spend money on such crap.

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