Archival footage of Russian KA-52 barely dodging a Starstreak missile in Ukraine

Archival footage of Russian KA-52 barely dodging a Starstreak missile in Ukraine

by jimmehi

  1. The operator needs a bit more practice, almost got it though. Dam that missile moved fast! And those flares don’t do anything against star streaks.

  2. As someone else said, not a Starstreak missile. Starstreak is unpropelled during its terminal phase, releasing three submunitions. It would not leave a smoke trail such as this.

    This is another type of MANPADS

  3. Fine bit of flying to avoid a Starstreak. It’s the fastest MANPADS in service and unspoofable

  4. Damn if the missile missed I was hoping it’d lawn dart itself into the ground, or the other helo…

  5. i have a question, when a heat seeker missile locks on to a jet or heli does it beep like in battlefield 4 and tell you a missile is coming

  6. Swedish Robotsystem 70 anti-aircraft robot system had hit better.

    Edit : **Sweden sends Robot 70 to Ukraine – again: “Works very well” Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities continue to claim lives and Ukraine pleads for more air defense from its allies. Today it was announced that Sweden is sending the Robot 70 air defense system to Ukraine – for the second time in a year. 9 Sep. 2024**

  7. Starstreaks on are no joke, laser guided so flares and chaff don’t work, not to mention its accelerates to mach 3. They are lucky to be alive

  8. Kinda off topic but the KA-52 has a really cool looking design. What’s up with all of these western European Helis and jets looking so cool?

  9. Amazing footage, but I don’t think this was starstreak, the missile was intact and looks like the rocket was still burning at what would have been point of impact – starstreak would have launched the three projectiles way before this point and would be moving much faster than this.

    It’s also aiming towards the engines, which might suggest IR guidance.

    Whatever it was, the pilots were very lucky and both pairs of pilots probably had brown trouser moments as they expended all the flares they had whilst diving towards the ground to egress as quickly as possible

  10. Respect to the helicopter pilots damn, they didn’t hit the trees and the ka 52 was very maneuverable

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