Thailands König unterzeichnete ein Gesetz zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe und machte es damit zum ersten südostasiatischen Land, das die Ehe für alle anerkennt.

Thailands König unterzeichnete ein Gesetz zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe und machte es damit zum ersten südostasiatischen Land, das die Ehe für alle anerkennt.

  1. Wonderful news. ❤️

    King Maha Vajiralongkorn gave royal assent to the new law, passed by parliament in June, which will take effect in 120 days – meaning the first gay weddings are expected to take place in January.

  2. Amazing news. I never would have thought to be reading this as an adult, having growing up with two moms whose relationship couldn’t be legally recognized for years.

  3. There is definitely some practical reasons for this legal change.

    A good chunk of Thailand’s economy is dependant upon tourism, especially Western tourists. They had to make the change to make Thailand much more friendly to foreigners from the West, otherwise those tourist dollars will go elsewhere that will accept same sex marriages.

  4. Well, as terrible as he is as a monarch, at least they passed this law. At least some good came out of this.

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