Macron and the new French government

Macron and the new French government

by giuliomagnifico

  1. Can someone explain in short wgat this government looks like and what it means for frances future?

  2. I was expecting them to be at each other’s throats like in Asterix comics. There must be some Romans nearby. 

  3. Feels like vomiting in my mouth right now.

    Bunch of right to far right twats with (for many) barely any experience on their ministries. These people were not chosen for the people, to fix problems or for their skills, but to pretend we have a functioning government that the far right will not oppose.

    See you next elections.

  4. I read the comments, then checked informations and I see that commies and socialists in all the countries are the same haha. This is mixed central – central-right governement, but they call it far right haha.

  5. * “You’re gonna be all right.”
    * “Thank God! So our country gonna be okay?”
    * “No, you’re gonna be All Right.”

  6. Right wing government while most people voted in this order:



    -far right


    Should have been a left+center government. That was the last time I voted for Macron’s party.

  7. So there was an election,  the new government doesn’t match what the French people voted for because the same President is still in power ..  

     You all need a 6th republic because the executive is too powerful. 

  8. Ils ont même trouvé un Noir qui accepte de bosser avec un gouvernement d’ED ! 😍

    Ils ont du lui refiler un sous-ministère à connotation exotique. Bah oui, les racistes ne vont pas mettre un Noir à un ministère qui n’implique pas sa couleur de peau !

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