Friendly fire accident between Russians leaves one dead, October 2023.

Friendly fire accident between Russians leaves one dead, October 2023.

by LolWhoCares0327

  1. Does that first frag come out of that hole behind him? I can’t really see where it’s being thrown from. Just come out of the dark spot and rolls.

  2. It looks like if you handed two kids military gear and dropped them in the middle of a war zone with no training. Oh wait…

  3. Using grenades in the dark. Can be both the ultimate weapon (no one knows where it’s coming from, then BOOM!) or unintentionally suicidal (you hit a tree branch you can’t see, it bounces back into your lap).

  4. Must have happened a lot in this conflict, we already saw lots of confusions in some firefights. On both side, but probably happens more with less trained troops.

  5. >Shoot’s friendly

    >gets nade thrown at him.

    >pulls his own nade in respect

    >hits a fucking tree with it

    >almost gets blown up/might have caught shrapnel

    “He’s our best operator! Every operation has at least one casualty “ -capt Blayt

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