This tariff will be passed to the consumer

This tariff will be passed to the consumer

by literallyeveryfandom

  1. Yes Timmy tariffs makes everything more expensive it’s a tax except they don’t need to go through congress.

  2. The “tariff” is actually a substitute for a national sales tax, which Republicans want substituted for income tax so that the rich can pay next to nothing.

  3. If only Republicans never allowed off shore production in foreign countries , or was it the Democrats ? Bit by bit American production slipped away.

  4. How do you propose we protect American jobs and livelihoods in a globalized marketplace, where cheaper foreign competitors undercut American labor costs and make it attractive for corporations to outsource/offshore manufacturing (and increasingly more white-collar jobs)?

  5. Regulations (good or bad) made US manufacturing more expensive… Corporations demanded profits as consumers demanded lower prices… Corporations moved where it was cheaper… Consumers rejoiced at low prices… We lost manufacturing… We lost jobs…

    If you want those regulations…. And you want US jobs… Other than tariffs or import shutdowns… WTF do we all want?

  6. I think a tariff system would be awesome it’ll make becoming rich easier. I’m getting taxed into the ground due to income tax. Also, it’ll only make foreign goods cost more

  7. Yeah o don’t get why this guy keeps talking about how the other countries are going right pay. That not how tariffs work dimbass.

  8. Just like higher corporate taxes?

    Wait except higher corporate taxes affect everything, not just imported goods.

  9. What is most frightening is he actually can do this unilaterally day 1, the president has that power. This doesn’t have to go through Congress. Actual dictator, and ruiner of the economy, on Day 1

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