Doug mocks loyalist paramilitaries for being scared of an Irish primary school

Doug mocks loyalist paramilitaries for being scared of an Irish primary school

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Ironically he’ll be seen as more of a lundy than the protocol implementers in the dup and big jim

  2. I agree with Doug, I don’t believe this represents the majority view of the loyalist community either, most people just wanna get on with their lives in peace and frankly with 14 years of Tory austerity they’ve more pressing things to worry about than something as innocuous as an Irish medium primary school.

    This is **as always** just a few very loud **wankers** acting as self appointed voices of the community!

  3. Such unfettered hatred for a language they can’t understand or have no use for, it’s like me hating Swahili ffs

  4. not a fan of doug but i do respect him for seemingly trying to make unionism more rational. theres a place for politicians like him in a united ireland but not for cunts in the DUP hopefully.

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