Neon Lights at Low Tide – Brighton

Neon Lights at Low Tide – Brighton

by michaelstevenharris

  1. Although the sign probably gives the first pier away, the derelict pier in the background is the West Pier – just about the most famous (and photographed) landmark in Brighton, featured very briefly in the film ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’.

    Also, I’ve managed to go and get myself shortlisted in the ‘Street’ category in the British Photography Awards for this photo I took last year during low tide in Brighton. If you could do me a favour and [vote for me by clicking here]( (it’s just one click to vote) it would be hugely appreciated!

    Many thanks! 💙

  2. Great picture and great reminder of times spent there. I was gutted that the rollercoaster was closed when I went last year though 😥

  3. Lovely shot. Sad to see the west pier as it is now, maybe they should have let Eubank buy it before it collapsed.

  4. Superb shot mate 👌 👏 makes me miss the glory days of Instagram when it was more about photography talent then the ‘influencer’ hell it is nowadays

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