IDF veröffentlicht Filmmaterial von Raketentransporter in libanesischem Dorfhaus

IDF veröffentlicht Filmmaterial von Raketentransporter in libanesischem Dorfhaus

  1. >IDF Spokesperson Hagari reveals footage showing truck loaded with rockets concealed inside southern Lebanon house, accusing Hezbollah of hiding many more in similar locations

  2. The older I get, the less idealistic I get. I stopped caring about how many civilians Israel kills when the enemy hides in and around its own populace while lobbing explosives at Israel.

  3. I wonder where all the Hezbollah simps are who were claiming the other day that Israel made it up?

  4. It’s 2024 and people are still killing each other over the dumbest shit. Imagine if 90% of the world just got along.

  5. Turns out hiding arms gets really easy if you hide them in traditionally off limits places.

    Just a matter of time before people start putting explosives up their butts.

  6. If you support hezbollah you support isis, if you support isis you support no civil rights for woman

  7. it’s ok they are ok becoming martyrs

    oops nobody told them they were volunteered

    or being paid rent to store said truck or in your homes attic as previously reported

    stop shooting at someone who will take everyone out



  8. How are the civilians who live round this still support organisations like Hezbollah or Hamas. They are literally being used a human shields thinking that Israel won’t strike there, when Israel doesn’t give a fuck.

  9. Is that a mansion because that is larger then a lot of homes?

    Looks like an old work building / small factory building. Or a warehouse.

  10. The more I learned about this situation in the Middle East, the more I realize that Team America: World Police got it right. In the world, there are three kinds of people: pussies, dicks, and assholes. Here we have pussies: people who know the whereabouts of hezballah operatives and do nothing about it. we have assholes: hezbollah themselves. And finally, we have dicks: Israel.

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