Kharkiv, Sep 24. Moment of a glide bomb hitting the apartment complex.

Kharkiv, Sep 24. Moment of a glide bomb hitting the apartment complex.

by wobwib

  1. The fucking barbarian horde is at our doorstep and we dither and squirm in the west. While Ukraine stands alone, holding back the tide. A callous dimished empired offering nothing but tyranny and oppression, calls for World War or at times complete nuclear destruction of everyone.

    We have failed to stand up to evil. We have not learned a damned thing from our own histories.

    Glory to Ukraine. A nation of heroes. Shame on the rest of us.

  2. Effing terrifying. Hate that so many civilians are going through this because of handful of looney toon dictators.

  3. Well, she’s an obvious threat to Russian national security and must be taken out.

    /s in case you’re just waking up.

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