Melania Trump Brags About Destroying Jackie Kennedy’s Rose Garden and Americans Are Furious

Melania Trump Brags About Destroying Jackie Kennedy’s Rose Garden and Americans Are Furious

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. If I never see the former First Prostitute again in my life (or hear her annoying voice), it will be too soon!

  2. You go girl. You have a talent for choosing things and associates of pure destruction, don’t you girl..

  3. She’s a jealous person who could never amount to anything close to Jackie Kennedy! Of course she wanted to destroy what she could to eliminate the legacy that makes her look like the joke she is! Married to a man for the prestige and money! She doesn’t even want to hold Delulu Dons hand!

  4. That’s very symbolic of the Trump family and their time in politics.

    Vote like your life depends on it, because it damn well might!

  5. I’m completely indifferent towards Melania. She could be on this planet or not and it wouldn’t make any difference. She’s irrelevant.

  6. I know we’re a nation of immigrants but am I the only one who hates when she says “our history”? And when she says SHE was asked by (whatever??? committee) to renovate the Rose Garden, have I lost my mind if I say I sure don’t remember it that way???

  7. No big deal since her husband’s destroying democracy anyway and when the next January 6 occurs the rose garden will be trampled anyway.

  8. Harris should have the rose garden restored to its former glory instead of looking like a Soviet Mausoleum

  9. Two-bit hooker destroys Jackie Kennedy’s rose garden and brags about it. Soon, we won’t hear a thing about her because her felon husband will be in prison. Not soon enough!

  10. Ugh I’m so sick of these ad bloated webpages that don’t load properly. I was interested in what the writer was saying but couldn’t read it due to the ads continuously adjusting my window. Barely read some of the article and bailed.

  11. “I for to destroy ahglee rose garden! Eez zoe ahglee! Why eez for to not beautiful, like me? Eez just dumb flowerz, not zoe beautiful like me? And who eez dis Jecky Kennedy? Vy dozz she have same name as genius man, RF Kennedy? Eeef Jecky Kennedy eez from zame familee az RFK, den she okay in my book! I have dee book! Pleez buy my book! Vote RFK! Vote Trrrump! And just say no to ahglee rrrrosses!

    And I finally git dat moose and squirrel!”

  12. She and Hubbs just prove that you don’t have to be poor to be white trash. 😹😹😹🤭🤭🤭

  13. ‘Americans are furious’ makes me laugh as the quote only works as ‘normal Americans are furious’. Done old Trumps people couldn’t care less.

  14. I hear she’s really smart. She came over on an Einstein visa. People are saying genius level smart. That’s where Trump gets it. First his uncle. Smart. Everyone says so. Then Melania. He picks the best people. Smart thru osmosis. All the Mensa people are saying it.Smartest guy in the room. Any event. They love me.

  15. Does anyone know a way for me to block every post with politicalflare as a source?

    If there’s a way, I can think of a few more to block, but this trash site is at the top of my list.


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