War with Russia closer to end than we think – Zelensky

War with Russia closer to end than we think – Zelensky


Posted by defenestrate_urself

  1. >In a statement ahead of the visit, Zelensky said the plan included further weapons donations, diplomatic efforts to force Russia to agree to peace, and holding Moscow accountable for its full-scale invasion in 2022.

    >In his interview with ABC News, Zelensky said his victory plan was not about negotiating with Russia, but rather it was “a bridge to a diplomatic way out, to stop the war”.

    how could diplomacy work without negotiations tbh

    >The president of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, told the New York Times that Ukraine would have to be “realistic” about its prospects of recovering the areas in the east of the country which Russia has managed to gain over the last 31 months of war.

    >He added that the most likely outcome of the war was that a part of Ukrainian territory would remain under Russian occupation for a number of years.

    >A defeat of either Ukraine or Russia “will simply not happen”, Pavel told the Times, adding that the end of the conflict would be “somewhere in between”.

    yeah wars don’t always neatly end. the Korean war (de facto ended with an armistice), the Israel–Palestine conflict (since late 1880s), and arguably the Chinese civil war (no formal treaty nor armistice signed), etc. there’s a nonzero chance this won’t end neatly either

  2. Looks like it’s a major gamble for Zelensky. He either receives major military and diplomatic help from the West and turns the tables on the frontlines or raises his hands and says to Ukrainians (and Western audience): “See? I did all I could but the West failed us”.

    I honestly do not understand what is the “strong position” for Ukraine in September 2024. I also do not see what type of weapons can change the tide of the war and not raise the escalation. So it’s a) Zelensky is preparing an exit strategy for the domestic audience, b) Zelensky is delusional, c) there are indeed massive peace talks happening behind the veil of which we do not know yet.

  3. Zelensky needs to embrace reality first. Nato used Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia now that the catastrophic looses on the ground are too much even for his masters he needs to realize that Nato will not send their own people to die on the ground. He will eventually run out of human meat to send to the front lines.

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