NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg says military support for Ukraine must continue | Ukraine War

NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg says military support for Ukraine must continue | Ukraine War

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has told Sky News military support for Ukraine must continue until the “calculus on the battlefield” changes in Kyiv’s favour.

Mr Stoltenberg said a Ukrainian defeat would be “dangerous for NATO” and the West needed to “change the thinking” in Moscow.

He was speaking in New York ahead of a meeting of the UN General Assembly.

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  1. Trumps America first policy has much to recomend!
    It means die gagi g the usa from pointless foreign wars and interference aborosd and focusing on domestic issues like repairing the potholes that plague us all.
    Britain should also sdopt a a Britain First policy and stop poling its nose into other nations affairs and stop all aid inc humanitarian aid until the afghans etcand terrorists start behaving themselves. Aid simply perpetuates peoples miseries.

  2. President? Zelensky isnt the president of Ukraine. His presidential constitutional term expired back in May. He bypassed the Verkhovna Rada, declared himself unelected de-facto ruler of Ukraine. He suspended elections and installed martial law. Arrested diplomats. Arrested the main opposition party leaders, banned 11 poltical parties. Made it law to not negotiate with Russia. He also shut down several news media organisations and consolidated the rest into his own state media apparatus. Arrested and even killed western journalists. He also allowed the SBU nationalists to round up untrained men and throw them on the front lines at the Russian meat grinder, while he and his inner circle of generals and officials are skimming off NATO money and enriching themselves off the illegal arms trade. He recently bought an private island and his wife was seen at the Paris Olympics driving a Bugatti. This war is a racket. The goal of the US NATO Empire is not to end the war with diplomacy but to prolong it. Apart from their Washington imperalist agenda of trying to break up and balkanise Russia into weaker demilitarised microstates, their ultimate goal is to fight Russia in a proxy war to the last Ukrainian since Maidan. Their goal is to move money out the tax bases of the US NATO Empire and wash that money back into the hands of the transnational security elite and the US military industrial complex.

  3. Please restore international law ASAP!
    All nations have recognized Ukraine's sovereignty. Ukraine never poses a threat to the global community. Therefore, Russia's actions are a blatant disrespect to global security. Today they want to destroy Ukraine; tomorrow it could be Kazakhstan, Poland, or other nations. Stop it now!

  4. Would have perferred that Ukraine remained neutral, sold it's energy, minerals, metals, and agriculture resources to everyone for the benefit of Ukrainian people, but Zelenskyy chose a side, a gamble, a chess move he didn't have to make. "F" him.

  5. Trump isn’t going to win the presidency though. Not a day goes by where he doesn’t alienate one voter cohort or another. At this point, only voter suppression and fraud (both of which the GOP is currently attempting, such as by changing voting rules in Georgia at the last minute) can save the GOP.

  6. She asks 'What happens when US abandons Ukraine, what will NATO do ?' He does not answer the question except to say NATO will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes – but the main component of NATO bails out ! Stoltenberg is another European vassal and numskull.

    It is clear that Russia has divided and disoriented NATO. The US wants to bail out. Trump openly says. Harris will do it discreetly; she will get rid of Blinken and Sullivan and have a new cast that endorses handing over project Ukraine to the EU.

    The EU does not know what to do. It is a collection of headless chickens and barking chichuas. The Brits will play their customary one upmanship over the EU. None of the Europeans will be able to fight Russia without the US.

    The Russians will not negotiate. They don't trust any in the west.

  7. The population of the EU is around 449 million people, the population of Russia was 147.2 million, there is absolutely NOTHING stopping the EU from forming an army and sending it in to Ukraine to reestablish Ukrainian territory; they don’t need the US to do that; except for the fact they don’t own a pair of “Big-Boy panties”, they want and expect the US to pay for the war, build all of the equipment, supply the military equipment, and die for, them while they do next to nothing to fix the problem.

  8. Еліта цивілізованого світу з владою США співпрацює з новими дворянами фсб у владі України і терористами лубянки та збагачуються на війні і маніпулюють народом

  9. They keep saying it is a danger for us, west, that Ukrainians are fighting to keep us safe. Why is that? Zelenski saying Russia will not stop in Ukraine. But where would it carry on? To NATO states? Why does it matter then for Ukraine to be in NATO so much? It won’t help them stop Russians. Why not to agree to be neutral?

  10. Give Ukraine loans. If this victory plan is foolproof, then future generations of Ukrainians should be able to pay for it! We’ve never heard of one man manipulating the World like Zelensky!

  11. All countries should pull support from Ukraine to force a treaty negotiation. Both Biden and Zelensky are delusional. As long as the warmongers in the White house & Congress send weapons to Ukraine more Ukrainians will die and they will lose more land. The U.S. sponsored incursion in Kursk, Russia has seen many thousands of Ukrainian soldiers killed and Hundreds of armored units destroyed which is not reported in the mainstream media.

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