Putin has a ‘chink in his dam’ as Ukraine ramp up strikes | Frontline

Putin has a ‘chink in his dam’ as Ukraine ramp up strikes | Frontline

“All of a sudden, the whole area of the country has been invaded. 120,000 people had to be evacuated. They all talk. It is another chink in the dam.”

Putin is being “undermined” by his oligarchs as Ukraine “increases the tempo of effective strikes”, says former air vice-marshal and military analyst Sean Bell.

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  1. I'm getting tired of hearing Sean Bells' negative attitude regarding Ukraine. No matter how technical he tries to explain things it still shine through he is not very positive towards aiding Ukraine.

  2. Zero concessions because Russia demands it. Ukraine should regain all of it's sovereign territory and probably a chunk of Russia. They have no say over whether they join EU or NATO.

  3. STOP. Just stop undermining Ukrainian morale by suggesting that they should give up part of their nation negotiating it away to Russia. The west is more than capable of keeping Ukraine in the game. I for one would back a volunteer Western force to go into Ukraine and fight on behalf of freedom. i know all your "we're so afraid" arguments so don't bore me.

  4. Fear of escalation has resulted in Russia escalating with impunity in an ever increasing way. Russia recently did a further test of their feared Sarmat ICB, and it exploded on the ground.

  5. If the West allows Putin to retain even a small proportion of the territory his forces have invaded, then the credibility of Western leaders will be incredibly degraded by allowing a wanted war criminal to have some sort of victory.

  6. im not sure this guy is clued in to what is happening..Ukraine are going amazingly well…russian are just running into the ground at horrific expense

  7. I do not agree what Russian goals have been reached since May ? Kursk is working and Russia has been exposed as liars and a week military that can not beat a small country of less than 50 million with no navy or air power a surprise attack and three years of fighting with no end in sight. Only people like the guest who give incomplete info on a changing front line. When does he think Russia will arrive in Kiev ? Reminds me of the Alamo.

  8. It does not matter that the Storm Shadow missiles are not state-of-the-art, because they are being used against a country that is not as advanced as they would have had us believe. The Russians have shown exactly how weak they are. You do not need ultra-modern tech to defeat Russia, and I still question whether the majority of their nuclear weapons are serviceable. The level of corruption in Russia has shown its direct effect on the quality of the weapons they have already. The other issue is that of any cessation. If there is a settlement/cease fire, there is little doubt that Russia will use the time to rebuild (if they have the money), only to attack again in the future. Regime change is ultimately the only choice here, in Russia. The problem is Putin, not so much Russia and its people. Get rid of Putin, and you massively minimize the future threats to Ukraine and the Baltic states.

  9. As an American I believe that we should give them what they need to expedite the war in their favor beit equipment, material, our manufacturing, or their local manufacturing facilities. The longer this war has dragged on the more convinced I am of this.

  10. I don’t know why people keep talking as if Trump could win the general election. There’s next to zero chance of that happening. If it hadn’t been for the ‘Electoral College’ vote, Trump wouldn’t have won in 2016. Trump is going to lose in a landslide. The question is by how much?

  11. tRUMPutina has to not win. YOU HAVE TO SPEND THERE. YOU HAD A DEAL.If you ignore that deal and allow Ukraine to fall then you will face terrorism from angry people with a right to be angry. Maybe tax Musk and co.Lock them up if they don't like it. Musk is making money from Russians on X right now. Treason. and gitmo for that conjob.

  12. Times Radio, you should start paying this gentleman in roubles for his appearances, because he just repeated every single one of Russian propaganda's talking points.

  13. Everyone is too busy talking about ' redlines '. That can change at any time Russia wants to. Another mistake is to forget about what you are dealing with. Putin is not normal and he is not mentally healthy as they say. He in fact is psychopathic and has no emotions at least as we do; he doesn't feel humiliation, embarrassment, fear etc he is calculating but mostly shorter term and a pea poor strategist/ military commander. His goals and decisions are lined up to serve himself. He has no remorse and doesn't care about others ( including his own people). When he sees his end coming, I believe he is quite capable of using some kind of nukes. He gets to go down in history for using nuclear weapons and will become a famous hero of Russia. He is good at playing chicken and gambling because he is a specialist at other people's weakness and fears.

  14. What would former air vice-marshal and military analyst Sean Bell do if it was his country, and his family. Would he give up the Isle of White if Russia took over it, or perhaps Wales? And having given up a segment of the UK, would he be fine with Putin installing miles and miles of mine fields, setting up lines of tanks and field guns, and also stationing nuclear missiles on the surrendered land? I wouldn't want him on my war-time strategic planning committee.

  15. I am certain that the hesitance about storm shadow/JASSM support is not about the threat of Russia using nuclear weapons themselves more about the the further problems Putin can cause through Iran and NK by potentially drawing them even further into this than they already are. The potential for negative effect of any decision on the outcome of the US election is an extremely delicate problem which cannot be ignored either. Happily a few Ukrainian loaves of bread thrown at high velocity seem to be devastatingly effective at further neutering Putins pathetic approach to war.

  16. I wonder what he would think if His home was signed over to Russia by arrogant people who think it's not worth their time to bother? Oh wait…give any part of Ukraine to Russia and Sean Bell's grandchildren will not be very enamored about the "deal" he made with the devil. For a military guy, I'm surprised at how he's willing to raise the white flag.

  17. I love how the armchair propaganda turns a harsh reality for Ukraine into a comedy……very familiar to Zelensky….trying to make the surrender seem like a draw.

    What is the cost of very expensive, long range missiles.? (1 to 2,000,000 a unit)…..and how many are there being produced, over what length of time.?

    (Russia have missiles with 3x the range.)

    How many are needed to strategically halt the daily Russian advance on a 630mile frontline.?

    And how many to push Russia out of 20%+ of the country and Crimea.?

    And 35% of 145,000,000 Russians are Men aged 18 to 45yrs…..fighting age if needed.

    And Ukraine have occupied a mere 0.03% of Russian territory😁…..at what cost £££$$$ and lives.

  18. It’s not up to the incoming US administration to do a deal. It’s up to the Ukrainian government to do a deal but I believe as long as Russia occupies the east of Ukraine and Crimea there should be no deal.

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