Are we doing it right, Barry?

Are we doing it right, Barry?

by Nefarias_Bredd8339

  1. I swear I’ve seen *all* of them in Tenerife last summer.

    A guy even chatted me up because he heard me talking in Italian with my friend.

    He told me he was half-Italian because his brother’s name was Sebastiano.

    It was 3 am. He was drunk.

    Then his friend walked up to us, offered him a piggy-back ride, and they ran away.

    That was the day, I fell in love.

  2. People who say England has no culture – how many countries could you effectively parody without resorting to historical styles, national flags and gross stereotype? These fine upstanding English lads and ladettes could only be mistaken for their Irish equivalent (the balaclava screams IRA)

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