Teile der Sahara werden durch heftige Regenfälle grün

Teile der Sahara werden durch heftige Regenfälle grün


  1. The benefits of global warming – more evaporation, leading to more rain, leading to more vegetation that will suck that carbon back into plant matter.

  2. that’s funny because they have a prophecy in the ME that the world will end when Arabia turns green again

  3. Just waiting for someone to post a science article explaining how this is somehow really bad for the environment and no one should be happy about this.

  4. It still rains in a desert, rarely. It’s supposed to. Plenty of mature documentaries cover the rare episodes of rainfall in deserts.

    The fact that deserts so rapidly turn green after a tiny bit of rainfall is because there is dormant life there, waiting.

    In other news: every global warming model I’ve seen predicts MORE rainfall (globally) in the future as a result of warming. (Though as a double sided coin, the hotter it is, the faster water evaporates from topsoils, shallow streams, and plants and animals also lose water faster in the heat.)

    It’s the simple fact that warmer ocean surface temperatures mean additional evaporation, meaning more water in the air.

  5. Even now, many countries and people are not focusing on climate change. They don’t realize how important it is.

  6. I am by far, never the smartest person in the room. But if I remember correctly, if this Sahara goes green. Then the Amazon rainforest will switch and become the new desert. I also could just be talking out of my ass. But I swear I heard this somewhere.

  7. Bout that time then eh?

    Egypt wasn’t always a desert, folks. The biblical flood stories may have had some truth behind them. Why are the greatest manmade structures ever built in a desert? I’ll bet you guys didn’t know that magnetic north actually used to be in Africa and later Europe. It’s actually closer to true north currently, but I digress.

    The climate change we are causing was never going to end humanity. The world will change. Here we are beginning to see an example.

  8. man i wish they would’ve prepared the earth by perforating the soil so it could seep into the underground water well instead of just washing away.

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