US expected to announce billions in Ukraine aid after Congress fails to include extension in stopgap government funding bill

US expected to announce billions in Ukraine aid after Congress fails to include extension in stopgap government funding bill

by sachiprecious

  1. Okay so if anyone remembers, there was a thread days ago that mentioned the fact that $5.9 billion in Ukraine aid was about to expire at the end of September unless Congress extended the deadline in its new funding bill. This is the update on that. There was no extension, so the funds will expire at the end of the month, so the government is trying to use the funds ASAP.

    Why wasn’t there an extension given?? ⬇

    >Congressional leaders were forced to leave the language out of the spending bill because of **internal resistance from the House GOP,** according to a person familiar with the matter. House Republicans remain deeply divided over funding for Ukraine.

    Of course! 🙄

    I’m glad the money will still be used. But I’m trying to figure out whether this rush to use the funds before the end of the month is a good thing or a bad thing. I want Ukraine to get aid as fast as possible, but [this article ]( important to read for further context, because there are delays in the weapons supply that we’re sending to Ukraine. So not everything can be done quickly.

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