NATO secretary general warns about Putin threats on NATO over Ukraine

NATO secretary general warns about Putin threats on NATO over Ukraine

Speaking at the U.N. Tuesday, President Biden said President Vladimir Putin’s war “failed” to destroy Ukraine and weaken NATO. CBS News senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang spoke with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about the war. He urged allies to make decisions on allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russia, despite Putin’s threats against it.

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    By refusing to allow free and fair elections July 28,2024 in Venezuela, the corrupt autocrat Maduro is using the same "Play Book" for "State Capture" being used by dictators in Russia, Belarus, Nicaragua, Georgia, Cuba, Syria, Moldova, and so many countries in Africa. The dictator Maduro has rejected the will of the Venezuelan people, he will continue to oppress his own people forcing another wave of mass emigration while he aligns his country with the AXIS (Russian, China, North Korea, Iran) and their allies and proxies.

    After the Ukrainian Maidan Revolution in February 2014, we saw Putin’s designated dictator Victor Yanukovych fleeing to Russia with his tail between his legs. It was obvious that the "Play Book" for "State Capture" had failed in Ukraine. Putin was frightened that a color revolution could happen in Russia. He knew that Ukraine and NATO were not a security threat to Russia, but his propaganda machine continues to hype this absurd “Russia as victim” narrative in order to justify invasion and war. Russian propaganda, repeated by many in the west, blames the NATO expansion into eastern Europe as the reason Russia invaded its neighbors in violation of their sovereign internationally recognized borders.

    Question? Do independent countries and free people have the right to voluntarily choose democracy and freedom under the protection of a security umbrella after experiencing decades of oppression and a history of invasion by a foreign totalitarian regime?

    Should NATO have denied entry of the Eastern European countries into NATO with the hope and a prayer that a dictator bent on restoring the Russian empire would leave them in peace? How can Russian sympathizers be so naïve? Do they seriously believe that capitulation to dictators will bring peace? As the Roman strategist Vegetius said: IF YOU WANT PEACE – PREPARE FOR WAR. NATO is a defensive alliance that respects the territorial integrity of its neighbors and operates under international law. The Eastern European countries understand what life is like when a country is attacked and subjugated under a foreign autocrat. They were invaded and occupied by Russian dictators so they also understand the Russian imperialist mindset.

    When Russia invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014, the B-9 was formed including the countries of Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. During the June 11th 2024 B-9 conference NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg recognized the B-9 countries for strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defense: “You host our eight multi-national battlegroups; you have increased the readiness of your forces; you lead by example on defense spending; and you are at the forefront on Allied support for Ukraine”.

    Russia could have chosen a different path after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Imagine Russia as a democracy with the rule of law, a free press, freedom of speech, an independent judiciary, a country with a market economy based on free enterprise without Oligarchs and a corrupt ruling party. Imagine Russia – the largest nation on the planet- coexisting peacefully with its neighbors while respecting their sovereign territory, freedom and independence. Remember the hope for Russia’s future as a democracy with freedom and real prosperity for the Russian people as envisioned by the murdered Navalny and so many other true Russian heroes. Imagine the wealth ordinary Russians would possess in a free economy during peacetime. A democratic and free Russia could have led humanity to a better world.

    Unfortunately, Putin used the PLAY BOOK of STATE CAPTURE to dismantle the democratic institutions and laws put in place during the fall of the Soviet Union in order to install a repressive totalitarian regime. The last thing a totalitarian regime wants on its borders is a free country with democracy, freedom, and prosperity. For example, China cannot accept democracy in Hong Kong or Taiwan because its very existence is an existential threat- not a strategic threat- to totalitarianism. Red China believes that any spark of freedom could erupt into a torch of liberty threatening the communist party. Chinese suppression of freedom is backed up by sophisticated surveillance of the population with the constant threat of civil or criminal action by the state without due process. We need to remember the invasion and subjugation of Tibet, the crushing of a peaceful student movement for democracy in Tiananmen Square, and the placement of 3.5 million Uyghurs in concentration/re-education camps.

    Dictators need an enemy to justify their repression of civil liberties and to maintain war economies requiring economic and human sacrifices. North Korea continues to threaten invasion and nuclear attacks against Koreans living in South Korea while using propaganda, misinformation and indoctrination to convince their repressed population that they have a mortal enemy in South Korea and the United States.

    One need only compare the standard of living of the people in North Korea with those in South Korea to realize that democracy has led to greater prosperity when the shackles of tyranny are removed. The North Koreans are 1 to 3 inches shorter than the South Koreans due to malnutrition and poverty. If you look at a nighttime satellite photo of the Korean peninsula you see the North in darkness and the South brightly lit up. The very existence of South Korea's success has to be kept from the people in North Korea who would naturally want their own freedom, democracy and prosperity.

    .Putin’s strategy when threatened has always been to double down with increased terror, and oppression whether it is to arrange the assassinations and imprisonment of his enemies, or to stifle internal dissent using the state-controlled security service and prisons after Russia eliminated a free press, free speech, independent political parties, and an independent judiciary.

    With Ukraine, Russia repeated the strategy of military intervention used in the Transnistria War from March 2- July 1 1992 to create a Russian satellite state Transnistria separate from Moldova. In August 2008 the Russo-Georgian War or the Russian invasion of Georgia resulted in the establishment of two Russian backed separatist regions- South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In this way, Russia succeeded in keeping these two countries out of the European Union and NATO while leaving open the future option of capturing the rest of these countries by using the” Play Book” for “State Capture” or by a future military invasion. Russian troops remain to this day in these captured territories, and mass protests in Georgia have failed to stop the gradual dismantling of Georgian democracy and freedom.

    Ukraine’s neighbor Belarus provided a launching pad for the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine with permission granted by the dictator A.G. Lukashenko who has maintained power since July 20th 1994 by changing the constitution, aligning his country with Russia, conducting fraudulent elections and referendums, and violently suppressing the “Jeans” revolution in 2006 while ignoring the sanctions imposed by the west for egregious human rights abuses.

    Putin had already learned in his support of Syria’s Assad and the use of chemical weapons in Syria (during President Obama’s term in office) that red lines could be crossed without consequence. Russian support of the butcher Assad in Syria resulted in 613,000 deaths, Assad remains in power, and the Russians were rewarded with both a naval base for Russia in Syria, and another allied dictator for the AXIS.

    When the “Play Book” of “State Capture” clearly failed in Ukraine, Russia’s dictator Putin chose the path of war and invasion by first invading Crimea in 2014, and when the US and NATO did nothing, he continued his invasion into Eastern Ukraine.

    The lesson of the 2014 “Minsk Agreements” is that negotiations to end wars with totalitarian dictators will always be violated and will only lead to future devastating wars as we have seen in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

    Totalitarian regimes are only interested in negotiation when they believe they are going to lose.

  2. No country have the rights to attack any sovereign country, but the United state and nato attacked Iraq, Libya and Syria. Who is this man trying to fool?

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