Sickness benefit claimants should look for work – PM

Sickness benefit claimants should look for work – PM

by BigSargeEnergy

  1. This is receiving the benefits one only receives once deemed too sick to work by DWP assessment? Those sickness benefits?

  2. There is an intrinsic link between how fucked the nhs is and people out of work due to ill health

  3. What “sickness benefits”?

    SSP is paid by an employer, so is irrelevant to looking for work.

    Disability benefits are paid to those with limited or no capacity to work.

    > He told Labour activists: “If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud, do everything we can to tackle worklessness.”

    Fraud? PIP is nightmarishly hard to get. Fraud is almost non-existant.

    These are the same tired soundbites the Tories used.

    Also, why don’t we try and make people less sick?

    If people are sick for mental health reasons, maybe fix why they’re so fucking miserable?

    If people are sick with long COVID, let’s investigate that more and find treatments?

    No? Just beat people with a stick then?

  4. Disingenuous from the BBC. Starmer is quoted in the article as saying “The basic proposition that you should look for work is right” but then also “people need to look for work, but they also need support”

    This isn’t the “get off your lazy arses” quote some like to think it is.

  5. Nearly 80% of the UK workforce are tax burdens. This means they cost more in tax revenue than they contribute.

    80 _fucking_ percent.

    Now add benefit claimers, long term sick and disabled on there. People who don’t work.

    Now solve the problem. You have three options:

    1) Continue asking the productive 20% to prop up the entire country.

    2) Ask people to sort their shit out.

    3) Do nothing and watch the system implode.

  6. So he’s going to waste the time of: sick people, recruitment teams and other job seekers for fuck all benefit. Brilliant.

  7. Too many people are out of work sick and the economy can’t cope with it something needs to be done

  8. This Twat (yes, with a capital T), was really the best person for the job that Labour could present? Fuck my life. What a shit show of a party.

    Ever since my discharge and subsequent diagnosis I’ve had to apply for UC and currently in the process of applying for LCW and PIP whilst awaiting help from forces support.

    But sure, let’s put folks that are out of work and sick, to work.

    What Victorian bullshit is this? The safety net exists for a reason.

    Wish I’d never given 12 years of my life to serve these pricks and their rich mates interest. Coz it sure as fuck wasn’t for my fellow citizen.

  9. We need proper assessments.

    Those that are unable to work for genuine reasons (especially mental health) need to be assessed by professionals with a view to HELPING each individual rather than just to hit targets.

    Those that are on long term benefits shouldn’t fear that every assessment is having to reprove themselves over and over.

    Those with mental health issues (this was me at one point) need support and put on a plan to address / build up and improve mental health properly so they can hopefully get back into work.

    I was always in a cycle of a short term vision to just ‘get better’ ASAP to get back to work. I was made to feel awful by those assessing me. Had appointments and locations changed at short notice and was messed about. Fearing I just had to say one wrong thing and be stamped ‘ready to work’ again.

    It took me 3 years to eventually get to a place where I could work again and that was due to a big lifestyle change (moved back in with parents) rather than any support.

    We constantly save pennies to spend pounds later down the line. Get front line services sorted to help those struggling and support those long term sick so we can take the pressure off individuals and for those truly unable to work, give them peace of mind that they won’t be victimised or hounded.

  10. How can people that voted for labour complain about the current government? You’re responsible for this!

  11. How long term sickness is being framed in the same breath as benefit fraud. This rhetoric is straight from the handbook of the far/ right.

  12. He is a like a Tory but without any business or economics instincts. He might send the UK into a doom loop, his gloomy economic outlook will scare off investors and the economy will sink, he will then make “tough choices” and target sections of society.

    Sickness benefits claimants, lets assume they are sincere. They need help, some might be able to able under the right circumstances. They should not be treated like criminals.

  13. Why not do some fucking root and branch reform that we need like land value tax to replace council tax, and fix the actual income tax system so we’re not getting constantly fucked because it’s become totally out of touch with the current state of things.

    This is why people have already lost patience with you is because you didn’t win on your own merit, you won because we were absolutely fucking fed up of the Tories bullshit and now labour are doing it just as much as they were.

    Get your fucking act together Starmer cause come next election you’re going to let Thatcherism/ Truss on steroids in through the back door then we’re all fucked by reform.

  14. I just hope these changes don’t put too much pressure on genuinely disabled people who aren’t able to work.

  15. My daughter would love to have a job but no one wants to employ someone with PTSD, agoraphobia and frequent migraines due to the office lighting.

  16. “That’s why I’ve gone out to look at schemes where businesses are supporting people back into work from long-term sickness.”

    “Quite often, I think what lies behind this is a fear for someone who’s been on long term sickness that – ‘can they get back into the workplace? Are they going to be able to cope? Is it all going to go hopelessly wrong?’”

    There’s literally nothing wrong with what he said. I’ve been out of work for a good while now, and even though I have training and qualifications, it’s incredibly difficult to get back in after a “break”. I wish there was some kind of support to help me. Hell, if there was better work support then maybe I wouldn’t have needed to take a break in the first place. I just want a fucking job, and I’m not the only one

  17. As a disabled person currently /in/ work, I really hate the way this stuff is talked about. I never wanted to be out of work. When I was suffering from symptoms that made me functionally blind, and could only manage 2 hours a day up out of bed and walking around, I would have still happily done a job for those 2 hours.

    But where would I have found a place to employ someone like that? And when I wanted to earn a little income from self-employment, you’d subtract any income you managed to gain from your meagre JSA (yet continue being forced to pointlessly apply to jobs you’re not able to do nor even qualified for, via the broken JSA portal, 35 hours a week). That’s ‘support’. A Chronically ill person stuck supine in bed having to apply for lorry driver positions else lose the safety net they have to rely on.

    Unless Starmer plans to personally create a specific job market that is supplemented and required to support people who are suffering from variable conditions (like the Long Covid that a steadily increasing percentage of the population will suffer from), it’s basically nonsense. Either you pay sickness benefits or you pay companies to hire chronically ill people regardless of their performance level.

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