Keir Starmer took £20k in donations for accommodation so son could sit GCSEs ‘undisturbed’

Keir Starmer took £20k in donations for accommodation so son could sit GCSEs ‘undisturbed’

Posted by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    [Sir Keir Starmer]( has defended taking £20,000 in donations towards accommodation from [Labour peer Lord Alli](, saying it was important for his son to revise for his GCSEs “without being disturbed”.

    The [Prime Minister]( has been dogged by questions about donations he has accepted for clothing and [tickets to football matches]( and concerts.

    Earlier this month, The Telegraph reported that Sir Keir repeatedly used an [£18 million penthouse]( owned by Lord Alli while campaigning to enter No 10.

    He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “My boy, 16, was in the middle of his GCSEs. I made him a promise, a promise that he would be able to get to his school, do his exams, without being disturbed.

    “We have lots of journalists outside our house where we live and I’m not complaining about that, that’s fine. But if you’re a 16-year-old trying to do your GCSEs and it’s your one chance in life… I promised him we would move somewhere, get out of the house and go somewhere where he could be peacefully studying. 

    “Somebody then offered me accommodation where we could do that. I took that up and it was the right thing to do.”

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. Ok look he’s a millionaire, surely if his son needed these arrangements he could pay for it himself ?

    ALSO: if Lord Alli wanted to support the Labour party fair enough. Why not donate directly to the Labour Party?

    Why directly to the Starmer family? Why are these donations so PERSONAL?

  3. His son doesn’t need any qualifications, will never need to do a proper day’s work in his life, daddy will get him a cushty job somewhere paying £100k doing fuck all.

  4. [](

    Someone’s been looking into the dates of the stay

    “The dates of their luxury £20,437.28 stay? From 29^(th) May 2024 to 13^(th) July 2024. The first GCSE exam was on 9^(th) May 2024, and the final one wrapped up on 19^(th) June 2024. So, not only did Starmer’s son start exams weeks before they checked in, but his last paper was nearly a month before they checked out. *How much “revision” time do you need in a five-star pad post-GCSEs?*”

  5. He spent some time at a fancy flat belonging to a mate. I didn’t vote labour, but even so I have to say it’s hardly giving billions of pounds to mates for PPE they’ll never deliver.

  6. So he has Tory policies, has committed to more austerity like the Tories, and now is as corrupt and purchasable as any of the Tories. But if you call him a Tory you get bombarded by people who treat their political parties like football clubs saying how ridiculous that is. He’s a Tory, and has proven himself to be as worthless as they are and how pointless voting is becoming.

  7. Hope all the smug bastards are happy that our new glorious leader is in charge with his amazing party of change.

  8. Remember when Corbyn was a liar, who can never be trusted because he had a picture taken on the floor of crowded train that had a seat free a few carriages over?

    Labour can win only when the leader sits in their pockets.

  9. Clothes for the wife, accommodation for the son etc. are these donations really just needed or down to greediness?

  10. The second chamber should comprise solely members voted for the tax payers. No political appointees, no hereditary lords, no churchmen of any denomination. A minimum of 5years in the public/ private sector, no second jobs and transparency of declared interests. No alcohol should be consumed in the precincts of the Houses of Parliament, it’s not a pub, it’s a place of work, serious work.
    Enough of this nonsense, they are paid to work, not get pissed and sleep it off in the afternoon, at the tax payers expense.

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