Can families returning after centuries solve S Korea’s population crisis?

Can families returning after centuries solve S Korea’s population crisis?

Posted by Alex09464367

  1. Not really.

    You have to improve everyday life for people for them to feel relaxed and safe about having kids.

    If people are overstressed and tired, they will simply rather choose to sleep.

  2. If you want to reverse population collapse, then young people of breeding age need to be able to afford children and a reliable home to raise them to ADULTHOOD in, so 20+ years, and by the end of that period also have assets for a safe and healthy retirement. Parents also require essential services and the time outside of work to rest and raise the children and not be overwhelmed by these burdens. Less overworking people to the point of exhaustion, more pay, more affordable homes, reasonable costs of living. Basically less late stage capitalism is what is needed to prevent demographic collapse.

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