Shoutout to Kamala Harris, who I understand is personally responsible for egg prices now. Works out to $1.33 a dozen, cheaper than when she took office according to the furniture magnet.

Shoutout to Kamala Harris, who I understand is personally responsible for egg prices now. Works out to $1.33 a dozen, cheaper than when she took office according to the furniture magnet.

Posted by ductoid

  1. She is also responsible for gasoline being $2.89 at my local station this morning…just like it was years ago. And that is in Taxachusetts! It’s outrageous what she, personally, has done. /s

  2. *And* this is Fred Meyer prices. A company who is notorious for price fixing and inflating base cost to then make coupons seem better.

  3. That’s what happens when you trust economists with the economy instead of forcing policies that push money upward at all cost. 

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