Biden Says U.S. Is On Track to Cut Emissions in Half. That’s Not True.

Biden Says U.S. Is On Track to Cut Emissions in Half. That’s Not True.

by thenewrepublic

  1. >In his final speech to the U.N. General Assembly this morning, President Biden promoted his administration’s foreign policy achievements. And he made a specific claim about America’s recent progress in fighting climate change. “Today, my country is finally on track to cut emissions in half by 2030,” he said. Unfortunately, that’s not true.

  2. The US is on its way to producing more light trucks that weigh more than two light cars just so all of us waste more gas and die in crashes. In the US it is our right to drive light trucks with aftermarket custom bumpers which weigh more than a light car on its own. We have no way to get around in our own cities other than by car or light truck. We are so far away from doing anything smart we should be ashamed of ourselves.

    -Tax light trucks-

  3. Well, the USA’s emissions per capita have dropped from 24,8 t/c in 2000 to 17,7 in 2022. That’s a declining trend.

    Of course, trends are not guaranteed to perpetuate themselves, and in this case in particular it requires a step by step policy approach to clean up every sector.

  4. Promoting foreign policy accomplishments? You mean 12 million lives killed since the Korean war or 11 million lives destroyed since 9/11?

    US isn’t on track for much except dying from slow decay.

  5. The other lie he made in his speech “The US has spent the most on fighting climate change as any nation in history” reference to IRA.

    This is contradicted by clean energy/ev tarriffs justification of unfair Chinese support for that tech. The IRA investment is all about creating a US monopoly-based supply chain that is the opposite of humanist approach to creating abundance.

    The US approach, including the IRA, is to not compete with oil and gas too much. Alternative to tariffs on batteries and solar would be import quotas, including letting domestic producers resell the imports in amounts comparable to their production/sales.

    The proxy war on Russia that was both instigated by US, and is perpetuated by US, is the direct cause of record level atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, and oil company profits and lobby power as the huge amount of diesel that used to perpetuate the war.

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