What in the sweet merciful sandwich loving Christ is this madness (Belfast)

What in the sweet merciful sandwich loving Christ is this madness (Belfast)

by Minisynn

  1. Subway has gone to shit, I’d say it’s partly down to their own success, they expanded so aggressively that eventually franchise owners were on top of each other, harming individual sales. So now corporate has put prices up to keep struggling franchises alive.

    In the end all it’s done is cause subway to go from a cheap and fresh option, to an expensive option while the market has become a lot more competitive for fresh food.

  2. That is dire. £17. Subway sandwich should be no more than a 5er. Are people really paying this?

  3. https://imgur.com/LdErZlV

    People are actually paying these prices, did everyone in Belfast except for me become a millionaire recently? 😭

    Cannot wrap my head around the extortionate price rise of fast food, 10 years ago I used to get this same meal deal for a fiver!!! UK inflation rate for the past decade is ~27% in total, so you’d expect it to have gone up to ~£6.50 with *compound* interest, but even in the cheapest ones it’s £14/£15 lol – a 200% markup. I swear you can’t even treat yourself to a chippy at all these days in Belfast without dropping a minimum of near £20 when you factor in delivery costs, fees, etc.

    Rant over, I’m just exhausted by how expensive every single thing has been getting while I’m in my 20s renting and trying to save for a mortgage (and lets not even get started on those mortgage interest rate rises, or the fact that the average rent in Belfast seems to have gone from 500-600 to 900-1200 for the same shithole properties in the space of 5 years 😶😶😶)

  4. TBF a subway in store is now around 6/7quid for a footlong. This is the inflated prices of delivery apps + the meal deal (which has always been a scam from subway, a packet of crisps and a drink for 3/4 extra)

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