Bericht: 1.500 Hisbollah-Kämpfer verloren durch Pager-Bomben ihr Augenlicht und Gliedmaßen

Bericht: 1.500 Hisbollah-Kämpfer verloren durch Pager-Bomben ihr Augenlicht und Gliedmaßen

  1. >Senior Hezbollah official says many terrorists rendered unfit for combat due to explosions; new US report estimates Hezbollah’s strength at 40,000 to 50,000 members—around half of number previously claimed by Nasrallah

  2. This was the cleanest operation in history…. if you look at purely in terms of targetting enemy soldiers vs collateral damage on civillians.

  3. Straight out of a James Bond movie. I read that it was 15 years in the making, which makes it even more impressive.

  4. “1,500 Hezbollah fighters lost sight and limbs to pager bombs”

    Well, they won’t be fighters anymore, will they?

  5. Don’t forget about the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon. What an awkward way for the world to find out you’re also secretly a spy/terrorist. Gotta be embarrassing. These guys are the eye patch brigade now!

  6. Such a brilliant chess move. Now if you’re any one of the Iranian proxy armies you’re thinking twice before your new company issued pager or cell phone arrives

  7. When a soldier is injured in the line of duty it is a tragedy. When a terrorist is injured, I don’t feel the same way.

  8. They seem so butthurt about someone else blowing them up, which is weird considering how much they love doing it for themselves.

  9. One of the most surgical strikes I can remember … hit 4k-5k terrorists, in the midst of civilian areas with MINIMUM civilian casualties. An absolute marvel of an attack, it’ll be studied for decades.

  10. Islamic terrorists fight for religious supremacy in a region abandoned by God. What Holiness do they fight for when their morality is so depraved. and their sword stained in blood?

    It’s very clear Allah does not show any favoritism to them. Perhaps they misunderstood God’s message.

    To act morally depraved in one’s lifetime and believe oneself ENTITLED to a reward in the afterlife, is nothing short of what the Internet calls “copium”.

    Maybe the path to divinity isn’t through force or orthodoxy, but by simply behaving as a decent human being and living in harmony with God’s world.

    Maybe try to make peace with Israel and resolve the conflict diplomatically.

    With all the time, money, and effort, that Hezbollah spends trying to attack Israel, if they were ever truly concerned for the humanitarian well-being of Palestinians, they could have helped broker a resolution to that conflict.

    Or they could choose the path of violence, yelling, and exploding pagers.

  11. The party of God is gonna wait to meet their maker disabled. I wonder what kind of health insurance terrorists have

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