Polish MFA to Russian Ambassador to UN: How does what you are doing to kidnapped Ukrainian children, differ to what German Nazi did to your children and ours?..When will you return the remaining thousands of stolen children to Ukraine?..This is Russia’s shame, that will not be forgiven or forgotten!

Polish MFA to Russian Ambassador to UN: How does what you are doing to kidnapped Ukrainian children, differ to what German Nazi did to your children and ours?..When will you return the remaining thousands of stolen children to Ukraine?..This is Russia’s shame, that will not be forgiven or forgotten!

by roli0001

  1. She has the look of a praying mantis somehow, wonder how thick your skin must be to daily tell yourself we are right and all the others are wrong.

  2. As an israeli jewish I see russia as a criminal state worse than hitler’s regime. Ukraine deserves their peace and freedome more than anyone by now. And thank you poland for always staying true.

  3. They have placed for the Russia federation 2 Tik Tok Girls influencers scrolling on their phone while Poland address genocide crimes… unbelievable… if we were during WWII those citizens would have been already removed and imprisoned.

  4. Why is Russia still on the security council? That’s like putting a burglar in charge of your neighborhood watch.

  5. The word “nazi” has become such a buzz word in russia that many of them don’t even know what it means anymore. And they don’t apply the word to describe a set of actions or behaviours that are the same as to what the nazis used, because in their own twisted logic, they are russians and therfore they cannot be nazis. That because they fought the nazis so.., even when they act just like them, in their own mind they could never look at themselves as the same as the nazis (the enemy). That idea seem very absurd to many of them and they don’t really care about any values.

  6. Talking to Russian ministers is like playing chess with a pigeon. When the pigeon has lost it will just kick all the pieces and strut around the board like it’s victorious.

  7. The only way they learn to through a fist in the face, words are wasted on russian pig shit.

  8. The russian rep just siting and not caring about the truth that is been said. Just a brainless zombie. Shame on all russians.

  9. I love it. I hope in time europe and the US don’t forget these crimes for economic reintegration. Russia should be a perriah state until they reform and come to terms with there crimes. Thats one of the biggest issues I have with Trump talking about making peace. I don’t think he understands or cares that Russia has committed a ethnic cleaning

  10. I LOVE IT! Russians try to act like they were always against Hitler. We remember when they were allies, and so does Pepperidge Farm. Pepperidge Farm always remembers….

  11. What a banger of a speech!

    The sausages must be returned to Ukraine, but first there must be peas, before things take a turn for the Wurst!


    Fckn Starmer! 🙂

  12. Polak, be careful with comparisons!

    My father lost his parents in 1945. He fled with other Germans westwards and landed in Zopot where he tried to survive. As an orphan he was taken by the Polish militia and given into an orphanage where he got a Polish name. But he was with his 7/8 years already to old to not understand that he was German, and btw he spoke better Russian than Polish because he had to work in a kolchose that was led by the red army. He ran away, was caught again, but they finally gave up. In 1948 the Germans that did not want to subscribe to become Poles were forced to leave – after they had brought the harvest in. They were put into train waggons. The train took the route of about 300 km in 6 weeks! Nobody was prepared for such a long journey and many people got sick and died. The train stopped everywhere, the people were robbed out until nothing. Then they reached the area of the later GDR.

    I just want you to know that all this painting in black and white and all this stupid talking about “nazi” does not correspond to reality.

  13. It’s the Russian/Trump playbook, accuse the other side of what you are doing so that you can confuse your programmed citizens with misinformation, Trump and Putin are masters at this. They will burn in hell and history will remember.

  14. The funny thing is that so far we haven’t seen anything concerning Ukrainian nazism apart from some badges and symbols on some soldiers/divisions, while we can see actual Russian nazism each and every day in everything. Rusich (dismemberment of POWs, beheadings, rape), starving and beating POWs to death, kidnapping and brainwashing children, indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets, “Ukrainians don’t exist” narrative (the last three constitute genocide btw), the “our nation is above everyone else” stance and Godlike status of their beloved leader, horrific treatment of minorities, creating fear in their own population with false victimhood and a threat from outside, banned outside media, killing and incarceration of opposition, and much more.

    Could somebody please explain to me how is Russia not a nazi state?!

    Edit: Mass executions. I listed so many things that I forgot mass executions. Let’s not forget Bucha…

  15. Ein Mann mit klarem Verstand, von denen gibt es viel zu wenige in Europa.

    Warum hört man da nichts von anderen Ländern ?

  16. Russia is a country that could have embraced its amazing culture of the Bolshoi Ballet, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, more top tier scientists than I can list, St. Petersburg, which could have been the jewel of an enormous tourist industry, etc

    But instead, they choose to embrace a culture of road rage videos, murder and washing machine raiders

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