Labour conference votes to reverse cut to winter fuel allowance in embarrassing blow to Starmer

Labour conference votes to reverse cut to winter fuel allowance in embarrassing blow to Starmer

by CaseyEffingRyback

  1. Rather politicised headline from Sky. In fact it is a non-binding vote that will make no difference to government policy..

  2. >Labour has justified its decision by saying it needs to stabilise the economy after the Tories left behind a £22bn financial “blackhole.”

    How do they know this if there is no impact assessment? It’s entirely plausible that the pension credit drive (a good thing) and the increase in cold-related hospitalisation (a bad thing) will incur costs significant enough to offset the savings from means-testing the payment.

  3. What’s the point in voting on anything at the conference? Starmer can and does just ignore it if he doesn’t like it.

  4. It may well be a non-binding vote and it may not affect government policy but it’s still a bruising for Starmer. Given the way he’s going on, it’s unlikely to be the last bruising. At times he sounds to me like Cameron did 14 years ago.

  5. It’s nice of voters to vote this way, but idk why they would still think Labour are in anyway a democratic party anymore. That’s something Starmer and Co have made abundantly clear they have no interest in. If voters still hold these values then they should get far far away from Labour.

  6. >I do not understand how our new Labour government can cut the winter fuel allowance for pensioners and leave the super-rich untouched.

    Everyone has been saying the same thing for a while.

  7. Great – so I get to support my mums upstairs neighbour who owns 4 properties (which she rents out) + the one she lives in because she’s old and poor. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t 1 in 3 OAPs millionaires or am I being unfair here?

  8. I find it disingenuous that it is being paraded as a “cut to the winter fuel allowance” rather than “winter fuel allowance becomes means tested”.

    Granted; if I had an extra £200 each year to do what I pleased with ..

  9. Gov just really balled up the messaging on this. Could have easily won the argument if only they’d bothered to actually have it.

  10. The reaction to winter fuel allowance change is RIDICULOUS. How fucked are we with the triple lock that we are walking on glass over this teeny tiny change in comparison. Doomed.

  11. Government party members vote to give yet more free money to millionaires. Nothing ever changes.

  12. I’m in favour of not automatically giving out payements to millionaires and people who live abroad, I have no issue with this becoming means-tested.

    Boomers and OAPs are the most mollycoddled and priviledged generation to ever live in the UK. They had free educiation with student grants, affordable housing, gold-plated pensions and so much more.

    All they ever do is vote to fuck over younger generations and are quite happy for people who’ve never had a chance in life to have more taken away from them so they can have even more for themselves.

    Means test it, there is absolutely no justification for taxpayer money to be given to the King and millionaires who’ve retired to Spain.

    Oh and the triple-locked pension is going up by £450 so they’re still getting more in their pockets than they had before. How many of us working, tax-paying people can say that? Not fucking me or probably you.

    Thank fuck politicians are finally saying ‘no’ the the Greediest Generation.

  13. Good, a stupid posturing bit of cutting, they were to embarrassed to back track on.

    It’s great to see them being held to account, instead of just posturing while they thought it was their turn to stick their noses in the trough, telling people to tighten their belts whilst they loosened theirs

  14. It’s amazing how many fuckups Labour have done so quickly they literally strolled into Number 10 because of Rishi and somehow they’ve just been falling down a mountain since election day. Genuinely hilarious to watch this train wreck that continues to happen.

  15. The left/far left of Labour couldn’t run a bath never mind the country. I am constantly amazed how they can think that money grows on trees. With the highest tax burden since WW2 where do these people think money will come from? So they vote against a means tested benefit that the King gets, and my granny living it up in Benidorm in her retirement flat. All they have done is show that Labour (like the Tories) have a wing who you wouldn’t want anywhere near power.

  16. In my day the unions fought on the side of the workers, not the asset owners. Guess times change.

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