Ukraine bets on India to help get peace deal with Putin

Ukraine bets on India to help get peace deal with Putin

Posted by Live_Ostrich_6668

  1. SS: A high-ranking Ukrainian official, granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive subject, confirmed that India was Kyiv’s big hope to reach a peace pact it can live with.

    According to the official, Modi was clear in summertime discussions with Kyiv that — while Ukraine would inevitably need to compromise on some things to end Moscow’s onslaught — any proposals to end the war ‘should not include giving up territory to Russia’.

    India may be the only global power player that can play the role — or at least the only one able to credibly portray itself as a neutral party to both Moscow and Kyiv.

    Switzerland and Austria have sided with the EU in slapping sanctions on Russia. (A peace summit at the Bürgenstock Resort in central Switzerland in June did not have a single participant from the Kremlin, with no Russian officials invited.) Washington and Moscow’s relations are in a deep freeze.

    Efforts to play peacemaker by countries such as Saudi Arabia have fallen flat, while China has been accused of actively helping Moscow’s war effort and Zelenskyy has just this month slammed Brazil’s government for “taking Russia’s side.”

    That leaves India alone in this field.

  2. didn’t an indian official say that “europe need to grow out of the mindset that europe’s problems are the world problems but the world problems are not europe’s problems”.

    it stroke me as very clear that india doesn’t see this as their conflict or struggle and that they would rather stay out of this.

  3. You can mediate only when both parties are willing to settle. When one or both sides are not amendable to a deal, you can bring Jesus or Buddha as a mediator, there will not be any peace deal. It’s not like India has any special carrot or stick to Ukraine or Russia that only India is capable of bringing to the table.

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