What fake country makes the best chocolate? This is war, Switzerland, no neutrality

What fake country makes the best chocolate? This is war, Switzerland, no neutrality

by baldricksir

  1. Both of you, send me a bunch of boxes of your best dark chocolate, and let my superior PIGS palate decide

  2. I’ve met people who claim they thought Swiss chocolate is the best, UNTIL they tried Belgian chocolate.

    I’ve never heard the reverse though.

  3. Belgium makes better pralines, sure. But when did anyone ever actually buy a whole slab of Belgian chocolate?

  4. Only belgiums care about this, they have to use chocolate to distract that their country is a British invention

  5. This is not like the Pierre Vs Hans debate about (giggles) the best bread.

    This is some serious issue

    I need both of you guys to send me a box full of specimens so that I can make proper research

    Edit: Germans getting salty about their bread are just proving my point

  6. Funny I only see be*gians crying about this debate.

    Unlike you, we know which one is better and it’s ours

  7. Praline is not chocolate, so it’s not Belgium.

    Milk “chocolate” is not chocolate, so it’s not Switzerland either.

  8. Both of us. Like, no one knows this but back in the 60’s Côte D’or AND its recepe was sold to a Swiss company. So the Swiss, along with other brands they have ofc, makes Belgian chocolate.

  9. If you’ve actually had both (and Godiva obviously doesn’t count, mass produced crap) then you know the answer is Belgium. Just go to Bruges and visit some chocolatiers, be convinced.

  10. I will always support our broeders against germans with a regarded german accent who are also jewish gold enjoyers.

  11. We’ll watch from the sidelines and enjoy this spectacle while also enjoying our own magnificent chocolate 😀

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