Hezbollah munition cache hit by an Israeli airstrike cooks rockets off, sending a rocket to a nearby building

Hezbollah munition cache hit by an Israeli airstrike cooks rockets off, sending a rocket to a nearby building

by DuckReturns

  1. You’d think the neighbors will be less welcoming in the future allowing the friendly neighborhood terrorist org to store munitions down the street

  2. Call me crazy but if Israel was able to get explosives inside all of that communications equipment in Lebanon something tells me they got GPS trackers in a bunch of those missle shipments from Iran.

    Pretty much every strike video coming out of Lebanon involves missile and rocket cook-offs. So either they know the pinpoint location of each supply by GPS or their local informant network is broad. Or both.

  3. The real crime here is starting a video vertically, but then switching to horizontal WHILE FILMING.

  4. Out of all that open field and it hit the one and only house in the vicinity. I guess Allah ain’t so Akbar for them

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